kuiu backorder times

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I agree with you there Broomd. If a company has a defective product or maybe a production run that is of inconsistent quality is should be dealt with transparency and communicated accordingly. I haven't followed the tent issues as I use Hilliberg but if indeed issues there, should be immediate recall. That's a principle of safety. Just don't have any first hand issues on the tent to say it's banter or not! But I'm happy enough with their clothes and sleeping bag so will support them in that regards
First off being pretty new to hunting gear and love reading about these top selling companies and their products. I was first blown away at the prices some of these companies charge for their product. I mean It's insane!! With this said, welcome to the retail world and marked up pricing for advertisement and store markup from dealer pricing. I think Jason and KUIU have a great thing going for the time we live today and internet sales. Myself speaking don't have a lot of money but am a firm believer in getting good product that should last and not leave you with a sour taste in your mouth. So his internet business design is a crazy great idea. Now, he must focus on his specialty. I read a few stories about Jason and how he came to start KUIU and believe he knows his stuff, but I think was a little overzealous in creating an entire hardcore hunting line with basically everything to sell. The problem is, he's not a master at all his products, and tried putting out to many things that were not ready, tested, and finished product inspected with a fine eye. Instead they were just shipped with minimal staff prepared to handle the response he got. With his background with Sitka and Gortex he should have just dialed in with his clothes line first. Maybe even just a few different hunting sets, and work with his seamstresses to build a relationship with them to make sure they could handle the demand. I'm sure he never thought the response was going to be as big as it was, but as a business owner, this is how you also loose customers and a business. To me what I respect and understand is the mindset of a skilled Japanese craftsman. This is a person who focuses on one product and becomes a master of it. It takes years and years to accomplish this skill and be the best. I love Japanese Knife makers for instance...These guys are masters at their craft and take pride in producing the best product available. You don't see these master knife makers decide to start making spoons, or forks, or cutting blocks do you? I appreciate his motivation for creating a whole line, but realistically what do we as consumers expect? Top notch product correct? Yes we do!! This saying, do your homework guys....Know your product!!! You spent a lot of money on products this guy never made before, and products where your life actually depends on it. If I had the money I would never spend top money on somebody's first try at a tent or a backpack. In fact I never buy the first of any new product until they work the kinks out. I have in the past and learned my lesson the first time. I'm glad I live in a country where I'm allowed to do what ever I like, and start any business or any line of product I want. With this said, does it have to be the best? No....But if it were me, I would make darn sure it was because I wouldn't want to endanger anyones life, or take hard earned money on something that has not been tested in the real world. But this is America and he's allowed to do as he wants.....And thank God for the freedom to do that. This comes back to know your product, and stick with the people or companies that perfect their product, and if you take a chance at the new guy, thats on you. Yes, it should live up to it's description, but we all know that thats not always the case. So hopefully he gets focused on his dream, and backs up all product descriptions with great reviews and great functionality. I hope he keeps the prices down, as there is no retail or middleman to up the price by 30-40%. Are his products worth that now? Could you imagine tacking 30-40% on a $350 dollar 1850 backpack? No way do I think it's worth it....not in a million years...Yes, he uses top of the line material to make, but without a middleman, prices should be cheaper in my opinion. That was his theory in the beginning. Cut the middle man out, and give the savings to the consumer. Are we getting this? From the prices I'm seeing, its slowly turning into retail prices now...ok, my coffee is obviously working this morning and I hope to not piss anyone off, and if I have, I apologize. Was not my intention to you guys.
Thats great you guys got your gear. Just called and they are already out of the attack pants i ordered on black friday, or monday...Whatever day that was its been long. I'm trying to stay positive here....Just getting old...Keep sending positive replies about your new products...Helps me remaining excited. Ha!!he said maybe end april. Really?
I don't ever recall seeing a company with so much backorder time. Either so popular or the stock is sold before it hits because they dont want to order too much and have inventory warehoused to have to pay taxes on at the end of year.
I don't ever recall seeing a company with so much backorder time. Either so popular or the stock is sold before it hits because they dont want to order too much and have inventory warehoused to have to pay taxes on at the end of year.

A lot of cottage companies have issues like that. Some only have a certain amount of product and then they are done for the season or sometimes the year. Kuiu at this point is getting to big and to popular to continue in that manner though.
A lot of cottage companies have issues like that. Some only have a certain amount of product and then they are done for the season or sometimes the year. Kuiu at this point is getting to big and to popular to continue in that manner though.
I agree. I really like their clothing but have already started switching over to first lite.
As poorly as Kuiu is run they are leaving the door wide open for someone like WR Gore or even First Lite to create a direct to consumer brand and crush them.
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Apparently they had at least 4 ships stuck in Washington because of the strike. At least 2 being there since December if I recall correctly. Anyways they are filling backorder now and hope to have full stock by April. This coming from the multiple times I have called and asked about my backorders....
sounds like a good story to me. Lots of excuses on why their backorder time is so long. I find it almost offensive that they want to take your money upfront, then put out a video telling you that your clothing you have already paid for will be here in 2-4 months!!! When did I turn into a finance institution? If you are going to keep my money for months on end without delivering product, at least give me some interest on my money!!!

Have you ever actually bought anything from Kuiu??

They dont hit your card till your stuff ships...
I agree. I really like their clothing but have already started switching over to first lite.

Yep me as well. Only thing from Kuiu I'll purchase is attacks, still the best pants I've ever worn. If FL's new synthetic pants are anywhere close I'll probably switch over to those as well.
sounds like a good story to me. Lots of excuses on why their backorder time is so long. I find it almost offensive that they want to take your money upfront, then put out a video telling you that your clothing you have already paid for will be here in 2-4 months!!! When did I turn into a finance institution? If you are going to keep my money for months on end without delivering product, at least give me some interest on my money!!!

Funny when people want to join the fight against evil but aren't sure what the fight is about.
Interest on money would be great, but they don't make you pay for having your name on any backordered items. They only charge someone once the item is being shipped.
I apologize, That is the #1 reason why I do not backorder from them. I was always under the assumption that they took my money when I ordered.
Ordered items in Dec and Feb, just got charged because both shipped Monday. Plus free shipping..
I sometimes have stuff on backorder with KUIU, but it doesn't bother me a bit. I guess experience has improved my patience. In recent years I've also had to wait on other good clothes, custom bows, boots, backpacks, 2 puppies, a $55,000 truck....and the list goes on. I stopped worrying about how KUIU handles their inventory. I like their clothes better than any other line I've owned, and I can wait for them. To each his own.
Yeah, I agree with a lot of you, BUT!! I thought the whole point of moving the business over to China was going to help the situation out, but I'm not sure that happened. When you have a contract signed with Japan who creates these top of the line fibers and material, then use their resources and sewing shops and Still have crazy backorder waits kinda sounds bunk. I'm sure bigger companies have priority in the material and KUIU will never catch up!! It sounds like a business deal that didn't pan out as Jason thought. The last thing he wants to do is get the Japanese company Toray (I know I botched up the spelling...I apologize) pissed off and cut him off. Then he's done!! So I guess all we can do is hope they still dilever a solid made product and succeed in his dreams. I wish he and his family all the success. Also as far as a on-line business selling product at "discounted" prices (which there would be no way he could retail his line) would be even more expensive then Sitka. You know he saved a lot of money making product in China, but loosing out from no inventory. There is obviously tons of fine line details that we can't assume, but again, it's been to long already. How does the new product look in hand that the few lucky guys have received so far? Any comments as to the quality and workmanship yet? Would like to hear some positive feedback about your stuff.
Um have you paid attention to the west coast port strike? It has had a very real impact. There is talks of it effecting deliveries among retail all the way up to Halloween.
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