KS Dept of W&P Survey

the last kansas game warden I talked to wanted to ticket me for bowhunting deer without a turkey tag.
"if a turkey walked past you you would shoot it"
More to it than just deer numbers, I didn’t hunt Kansas for their deer numbers.

Haven’t been there since 2020 so maybe it’s gotten worse.

I have seen a steady decline in population since 2018 where I hunt. Still saw some good bucks as recently as 2022, didn't see any last year. I actually don't think I saw a single mature buck last year, although I know there were some around from others hunting in the same areas. I believe the herd in this area is down because of drought, but KDWP hasn't exactly pulled the reins back on tags, which IMO is what they should have done. Which leads me to believe that management is non-existent.
You said kdwp management ain't that bad.....you come for the buck size and :
Exactly how does kdwp management effect the size of the bucks in kansas.

If the herd numbers keep dropping guess what happens to buck numbers..

Particularly for buck size, but mainly because of y’alls public land opportunities. But I’ve since found better places as to why I haven’t been back.
Kansas hasn't even published a harvest report since the 2020-21 season lol.

Public area deer population is down 50% from 2010, statewide is also down quite a bit.. Missouri right next door is up.
Kdwp law enforcement is a disgrace. Local state park ranger/manager stole over 10k in cash from the state park and was supposedly fired and not prosecuted but they made him a game warden which was a promotion. That is just one incident of many.
Why anyone would give a state agency any information about themselves they did not have to give is beyond my reasoning
Being from Missouri, I think Kansas does it better than we do. Just my personal opinion, but I don't think we should be able to kill 2 bucks in Missouri. I think one is plenty and it would also make us (Missourians) more picky about what bucks we shoot and fewer 2 1/2 yo bucks would be killed.
Kansas numbers are down , seems way down out west. I do think they need to throttle back on the tags . Between drought, EHD , poaching and every you tuber with a hunting channel the deer have had a tough roe to hoe .
Kansas numbers are down , seems way down out west. I do think they need to throttle back on the tags . Between drought, EHD , poaching and every you tuber with a hunting channel the deer have had a tough roe to hoe .
I agree. With all the leased ground for deer hunting, outfitters guiding hunters as well as the locals, I can't imagine how many tree stands there are in every creek. It feels like every 1/4 mile has a tree with a hunter perched in it at all times. I don't see how a buck in rut lives long enough to get big. Deer hunting is about the money.
Not saying if this is right or wrong...just the way it is.
My own observation is that we do not have near the deer numbers we had in the 90's and early 2000's.
My 2 cents.
Deer hunting is about the money.
Not saying if this is right or wrong...just the way it is.
My own observation is that we do not have near the deer numbers we had in the 90's and early 2000's.
My 2 cents.
All hunting is getting to be that way. People are pricing the normal blue collar person out of hunting. It is the sad reality.
I really don’t like the surveys. They never give an answer choice that really explains the concern or need. I would answer; I trust the biologist but not the politician to make wildlife decisions.
There is a biologist in Kansas that reports zero quail seen in the area he hunts so the surveys for that area consistently look like poo.