Komifornia does it again!

Won’t be long until you see those Californians mowing their lawns with their brand new Tesla lawn mowers…..
This is what needs to happen across the south west.
Agreed, in my town this conversion has been going on for quite some time. I can’t think of a single traditional lawn in my neighborhood anywhere anymore. The city finally codified new landscaping and water harvest rules about 10 years ago and that gave it a big shove. I see native weeds and grasses coming back and with the new rules they are allowed to grow and aren’t subject to the old rule where weeds or grass exceeding 6” must be cut or removed.
Not defending California. But folks may not realize that something like 5% of air pollution comes from these motors. The other sources (industrial, cars) are pretty well nailed down so if we want to cut down on air pollution—and we ought to, particularly in areas like Boise and salt lake that are growing and have bad inversions—these sources need to be in the conversation. Classic California to go straight for the ban. But I, for one, would love to see our culture move away from a picturesque green lawn in the desert like we have now. No need for the fertilizer, potable water, time and $$, and fuel/emissions/noise needed to keep thousands of acres of warm weather grasses alive in the desert like we have now.
Agreed, in my town this conversion has been going on for quite some time. I can’t think of a single traditional lawn in my neighborhood anywhere anymore. The city finally codified new landscaping and water harvest rules about 10 years ago and that gave it a big shove. I see native weeds and grasses coming back and with the new rules they are allowed to grow and aren’t subject to the old rule where weeds or grass exceeding 6” must be cut or removed.

Not to derail this thread too much but it is amazing how with all the water shortage talk cities are not eliminating ornamental grass. Here they are talking about spending billions on ways to get more water while we spread millions of gallons on grass. For what?
I’m never In favor of draconian laws like this, but I’m actually surprised there’s not more laws like this aimed at lawns.

Also, I’m surprised Denver and the front range haven’t outlawed lawns in new subdivisions. There are so many people moving to Denver, and there’s a finite amount of water. I’m waiting for the day cities say to homeowners if they choose to have a lawn, they get issued a chemical toilet and can’t use city water.

As a side note, I like having a nice lawn and landscaping and it bugs me when people have a lawn, but don’t maintain it. In my opinion, if you’re too lazy to maintain a lawn or too cheap to water it, you should xeriscape.
I havent read the fine print. Does this cover gas powered chainsaws, pole saws, weed whackers, etc or just lawn mowers and blowers? On 10 acres of oak...I need my chainsaw.

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Not defending California. But folks may not realize that something like 5% of air pollution comes from these motors. The other sources (industrial, cars) are pretty well nailed down so if we want to cut down on air pollution—and we ought to, particularly in areas like Boise and salt lake that are growing and have bad inversions—these sources need to be in the conversation. Classic California to go straight for the ban. But I, for one, would love to see our culture move away from a picturesque green lawn in the desert like we have now. No need for the fertilizer, potable water, time and $$, and fuel/emissions/noise needed to keep thousands of acres of warm weather grasses alive in the desert like we have now.
Lawn mowers cause inversion in winter in Boise? That’s interesting