Komifornia does it again!

So the wind blows, they shut our power off for fire danger. Then I cant clear my yard cause I cant charge my shit electric chainsaw. Cant run my generator so im sitting in the dark. Cant charge my electric shitcar so im stuck at home. Cant run my AC so sweating my balls off. Good thing the gov is sending me a check for my kid monthly since ill be sitting on my ass apparently. Just wait until the electric vehicle mandate hits - take the problems above, x100.

On top of that, CA currently gets 35% of their electricity from burning natural gas, and has an emergency use exemption to burn it with no pollution regulations because we cant meet electrical demands already. ******* genius.
it reads to me that you can still operate and own mowers/generators/chainsaws/etc. This law just outlaws the sale of new ones.

I complain at least once a week about how stupid our culture is about lawns. I’m in a place with unlimited water, just think wasting time and money and destroying air quality to please the neighbors is extremely stupid
There could be some killer deals on Stihl ms461’s when CalFire trades in about 10k of them! Just wait till their battery dies while they‘re making the felling cut on a big old snag.
They should just fully outlaw lawns. Much better for the environment and saves water.

I agree that irrigated lawns should be phased out.

Instead of increasing the welfare spending by trillions, idiots in DC should spend .5 trillion on desalination plants and water transport infrastructure. Fresh water would cease to be the in unacknowledged elephant in the room…

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Feels like This is a slip down the slope to banning anyht8ng gas powered without a catalytic converter and eventually all gas engines.

BTW if they are looking for non industrial and non farming polluters, golf course are the worst offenders. Between the chemicals and equipment and the water use they are terrible for the environment.
What about gas powered off road vehicles and dirt bikes?

I wish they would have just left the ban at leaf blowers. I hate those useless things!
I am always surprised to hear people side with California politics. They sell you the story about mowing with the battery mower....but leave out the generator, in the most power grid taxing state around....and you side with it.

Please do not bring that mentality to the northwest.

How many batteries to get this out of the way? 20210901_163817.jpg
Our power grid is so on the brink of failure, rolling blackouts happened all summer and it gets worst every year. All the greenies oppose any new power plants. Not only because they use fossil fuel to operate but, they just don't want them built anywhere in the state. Wind power on the scale it would take to run this state would require massive wind farms, problem is, nobody wants them anywhere near them, solar, same problem. CARB, Cal. Air Resources board has come up with a proposal which, (Diesel engine modification or replacement ) if implemented will all but destroy all ocean sport fishing in the entire state along with site seeing and whale watching tours. There has been a big push by the sport fishing industry up and down the state to have people contact their local reps. and ask them along with the governor to oppose any such proposal. Tens of thousand signatures have been presented to CARB opposing any new rules. But so far no ones seems to be listening.
I am always surprised to hear people side with California politics. They sell you the story about mowing with the battery mower....but leave out the generator, in the most power grid taxing state around....and you side with it.

Please do not bring that mentality to the northwest.

How many batteries to get this out of the way? View attachment 335086

Too late the North west is all ready goofy as fuk too

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