You've heard a lot of opinions here and I don't know that mine is any better than an others. I too am scared of the replacement blades. Like others have said, even when being super careful it feels like I'm on the verge of cutting myself badly. I own a replacement blade and I know they have their place.
With your budget I'd suggest a Buck 119 fixed blade. Solid, dependable, safe and competent. $75 if you don't even bother to shop around. If you are inclined to try a replacement blade knife I think there are some $30 options with the cash you have left over.
My dad didn't like folding blade knives for gutting deer so I don't like folding blade knives. I worry there is too much else to break or go wrong but at the end of the day, I think I just do it because it is what my dad did.
One more piece of advice when it comes to knives. If you do the entire butchering process yourself (which I recommend), add another 20 bucks to your budget and get a fillet knife. I use one a ton during the butchering process.