

Dec 14, 2020
I’m 36 yo, been training the last month for next season out west hunt. First timer. I alternate between stair master with increasing time/difficulty and weight in backpack with jiu jitsu training (also beginner). Been doing this 6-7 days a week. I try to mix actual hills but it’s a drive. Do plan on doing full weekend climbs every month or so with full weight backpack.

I played soccer in high school and college, always stayed active since, however never actually trained since 22. My hobbies I always felt kept me in shape.

I can feel my knees. Not pain, maybe soreness? I know what pain feels like, it’s not that, but I also never experienced it before. Maybe it’s mental, maybe it’s a little bruising from hitting the jiu jitsu mat? Am I pushing too hard?

my muscles are doing well, definitely getting stronger, but I’m not sure about the knees.

thanks for the input


Mar 8, 2015
Like above where’s the pain? I’m 31 with not the best knees. Try to keep my runs shorter these days and do more mountain biking. Seems like the more biking I do the better my knees feel. Physical therapy taught me to focus on knee strength to alleviate pain. 6-7 days a week might be pushing a bit hard in the first month of actually training. I am not an expert just a guy with bad knees who got them doing dumb things.


Dec 14, 2020
Front close to the surface. It’s not pain, just a sensationn/light soreness. I’m hoping it’s similar to my muscles being sore everyday, but a good sore.

Deep squats I get that cartilage sound, but I’ve had that probably 10 years. I sometimes feel “pain” when I do a full squat on one leg lifting my baby, but I focus on not doing that.
I also spent 22-28 snowboarding religiously. At 28 I switched to hunting bc I felt pain in my knees the following day after a hard weekend of boarding and decided I didn’t want long term issues.
Thanks for checking in


Mar 8, 2015
Like I said not an expert but a common injury in active younger people in the place you describe and what happened to me is the dislocated petular tendon up front. Then once it pops out once it wants to keep coming out causing erosion in the bone and cartilage. If you keep smashing on it the pain will increase. No way to know without an MRI though.


May 9, 2019
Make sure you're stretching and rolling out your leg muscles and ligaments. Particularly your IT band, which will tighten with running and climbing. As mine got tighter, I'd have the sensation that my knee cap was getting pulled out with every step. I needed physical therapy and message therapy to get it to release. Make sure you roll it out!


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
If your only 36 and live another 30+ years you probably better get used to 'a little soreness'...

Back off the weighted pack on the stairmaster and do a few weeks on the stationary bike while leaving everything else the same, focus on getting those workouts @ the max resistance setting on the bike. Set the seat height correctly. If that helps you know that you need to strengthen the knee area and muscles that support it before continuing weighted stairs/hiking. Ass to grass squats and bss are good for knees, focus on form not weight used, but see if the simple change to bike from stairs helps first so you know what the issue is. I bet your just weak in that area and need to focus on strengthening it before you do to much weighted stuff.


Oct 1, 2019
Washington / Wyoming
Knee pain can also often be caused by ultra-tight hamstrings, IT and glutes. I've done serious IT/hamstring/hip stretches and foam rolling for a couple years now (36, relatively fit, 185lb) and it's been an increible benefit in the mountains.

I know it's not fun and everyone talks about cartilage, ligaments and wear and tear but a dedicated mobility programs has brought me so much more enjoyment in the backcountry. I even pack a yoga strap to loosen up after a long day of up and down. If you want some resources on a solid program, PM me and I'll pass them along.


Feb 5, 2020
I have had 7 knee surgeries between both knees (all done before I was 21, am 24 now). I am very active. Workout daily, bjj, kickboxing, and lots of hiking/rucks with heavy packs.

Biggest things for me is dedicated stretching of quads, hamstring/calves, and IT bands. Isolated exercises (single leg deadlifts, pistol squats, one sided kettlebell work, single leg bridges) and heavy pack work.

For me personally here is how I prioritize:
1. Maintain ROM (stretching)
2. Maintain equal strength (isolated movements to address imbalance)
3. Increase muscle mass and strength

While muscle mass is number 3 and least important I feel like it is important to add. I am 6-3ish and have put a lot of muscle on my legs in the last year or so and it has been huge. I have always had smaller legs and since doing this I don't pop or dislocate near as much. Everything feels a lot more stable. Probably wont help you much if you have not addressed other issues but I really think you need to have enough muscle to stabilize your frame, especially if your tendons and ligaments are just not 100%.

I am doing the best I have in years by doing those things. Just my personal priorities. Spent a lot of time with a lot of PT and that is what I have come up with. not a doctor, don't even play one on the internet so grain of salt and all.
Jan 24, 2021
A big problem Im seeing in your regiment is the lack of rest days. I know it can be hard sometimes to take a day and relax but you're going too hard. You're 36, not 21. Limit your workouts to 5 days a week max (and that is even pushing it if every day includes joint stress, 4 is better). If you're dead set on 6-7, swim on the extra days to reduce joint stress. I promise you that the gains you make in those extra 1 or 2 days a week will be completely lost when you get hurt and you're down for a month or more. I know it feels like a race sometimes but it's not, nor should it be.
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Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
If you want to build your knees up you need a plan. If what your doing is hurting and your knees are constantly sore you need to re-evaluate your plan. The high seat stationary bike @ max resistance an hour or more a day 6 days a week for 6 months helped my knees a lot. Doing some more challenging stuff 6 days a week right now and will see if I need to step it back a bit to the bike. BSS is a great exercise for knee strength....start with bodyweight and get some instruction.


Nov 18, 2019
SW Ohio
I thought my knees were wrecked last summer after ramping up workouts. Early 40’s former wrestler and still think I’m 20.. After getting aggressive with workouts my knees felt hot and hurt all the time. I was a little concerned so I asked the Dr about it. He didn’t feel there was any major issue and told me that knees will swell in response to impacts or even the heavy loading I was using to hike / train. He suggested ice and backing off a bit then easing into workouts. Initially I backed off on weight and increased distance / reps while working on stretching & form. My knees really don’t hurt anymore. I think at least in my case I was further out of condition then I thought and expected to much to fast. Find a way to stick with it I know I feel better much then I did before. Good luck


Sep 7, 2020
I just came back from a 4 mile hike with a 50 pound pack. Knees have a slight burning feeling. I find this fairly common, at least for me. Nothing hurts though and by later tonight it will be all good. I am 54 years old though, so I am willing to accept all sorts of weird little aches and burning sensations at this point. If I can get up in the morning and feel perfectly fine, then I'm good.

I will hike with this weight twice a week between two and four miles. As the weather gets better, I will do longer hikes but I will back off on the weight by 15 to 20 pounds. So I agree with the comment above about giving the body a break. Don't piss off your joints, or your ligaments, that can be costly :)


Jan 15, 2021
Knee pain can also often be caused by ultra-tight hamstrings, IT and glutes. I've done serious IT/hamstring/hip stretches and foam rolling for a couple years now (36, relatively fit, 185lb) and it's been an increible benefit in the mountains.

I know it's not fun and everyone talks about cartilage, ligaments and wear and tear but a dedicated mobility programs has brought me so much more enjoyment in the backcountry. I even pack a yoga strap to loosen up after a long day of up and down. If you want some resources on a solid program, PM me and I'll pass them along.
I'll second this. From my experience and working with others, stretching in these areas, take away most discomfort felt after exercise. If i don't stretch my hamstrings and glutes, my back kill me. I've suggested these areas to stretch to friends and family and they've said the same. I like the stretches and explanations on


Dec 14, 2020
Appreciate all the feedback. I took some good advice on this thread and from PM. I focused on stretching/foam rolling while taking a break from the stair master. I’ve kept up with bjj which has been great. The last week I eased back into the stair master with no pack. I feel good and will slowly increase load keeping plenty of rest time. Thanks everyone.


Jan 28, 2019
Lake Country MN, Transplant from ID
I had the same feeling in my right knee recently. I'm 35 so I definitely feel knee issues a lot more than I used to. I talked to one of the MTNTOUGH trainers as I'm going through one of their programs and he recommended I do some resistance band and hamstring work. Said it was probably patellar tendonitis; that my glutes and hamstrings weren't strong enough. I sprinkle these in with my warmups now 2-3 times a week and my knee issue has almost evaporated to this point. Just something else to throw in if you're up for it!


Sep 28, 2020
I'm in a similar situation as you but a little younger at 34. I can feel my knees but no pain. I have noticed it once starting BJJ about 6 months ago. I started training for the mountains with a heavy pack in the last few months and haven't noticed it getting "worse".