Knee problems

Go to an orthopedic. Don't rush surgery, but at least try and figure out whats wrong. I can relate as I have dislocated my right knee cap 3 times, torn the same meniscus three times, partially tore the same patellar tendon, ect. Don't blow it off, take it serious as it will probably only get worse.
Hoping somebody can chime in on a problem I have been having. This hasn't started until this last season. I have been getting a severe pain in my right knee. The pain is isolated just under and below my knee cap. It does not hurt at rest but I can really feel it when planting my foot or completely extending my leg. Hiking or any strenuous activity really flares it up. Even more so when going down hill.

I have not twisted or otherwise hurt it in anyway to point towards a problem. Any help? Thanks
I know this is an older thread but i have been dealing with this same issue for a year now and just found this thread. How are you doing now this many years later. i literally have the exact same symptoms. I'm hoping the outlook is good!!!
Me to,only in strenuous hiking hills,inside knee almost shuts me down.Happen 4-5 times the last 4 years.
Going to see ortho next week.
I know this is an older thread but i have been dealing with this same issue for a year now and just found this thread. How are you doing now this many years later. i literally have the exact same symptoms. I'm hoping the outlook is good!!!

Me to,only in strenuous hiking hills,inside knee almost shuts me down.Happen 4-5 times the last 4 years.
Going to see ortho next week.

This sounds like an issue with the patellofemoral joint, where the kneecap slides over a groove in femur. The story of pain with hills/hiking is classic for this type of pain as those activities put more load/pressure on the kneecap and attached tendons.

Assuming age is 40+, this type of pain is usually due to arthritis. Unless it is severe arthritis that would require a knee replacement, the treatment is usually PT/Rehab, which can be augmented by things like steroid or gel injections, among other things.

If you are younger and having this type of pain, there are a variety of non-arthritis causes but the most common cause in younger people the kneecap not tracking straight in the femur groove due to a muscle imbalance. The formal name for this is patellofemoral pain syndrome if you’d like to read about it.

Regardless of age, if you have this type of pain I would suggest you see your primary care doctor to get some x-rays and a PT or orthopedics referral.
46 and ortho appt next week.
I can jog,work out etc but im afraid this knee issue may come up at a bad time.Like in the hills going after animals,hate to plan a trip and screw it up because I didn’t fallow thru with getting it checked out.I think i can get a no cost mri thru my insurance if i use a certain facility.
My pain started the very same way. I thought it was a patella strain, so I got a patella strap, might have helped a little. the pain persisted, especially at night, so I went to see Dr. He sent me to orthopedic surgeon. After x-rays, I was told I needed knew knee. He told me, the pain I was experiencing was quit normal when the knee is shot. the knee pain radiates out from the joint itself.I had no other pain in knee other than what I mentioned, none. About a week before knee replacement surgery my knee started to swell up, which Icing helped. I now have new knee. I'm one of the lucky ones, very little post surgery pain, I took no pain meds. other than Aleve. It's been five weeks tomorrow since surgery. I am gettin most of my range of movement back. The outside of my knee is numb and the inside stings a lot, all normal so I'm told. The biggest issue right now is sitting in a chair or in a vehicle causes lots of discomfort, so a recliner it is.
Hoping somebody can chime in on a problem I have been having. This hasn't started until this last season. I have been getting a severe pain in my right knee. The pain is isolated just under and below my knee cap. It does not hurt at rest but I can really feel it when planting my foot or completely extending my leg. Hiking or any strenuous activity really flares it up. Even more so when going down hill.

I have not twisted or otherwise hurt it in anyway to point towards a problem. Any help? Thanks
I have arthritis in both my knees after years of sports, weight lifting, and Backcountry hunting, they feel like that on almost every hike. I wear knee sleeves to keep everything in alignment so I don't compensate and mess up my ligaments. After a big hunting trip a few ibuprofen and ice makes it so I can go on about my life. I could have surgery to help it out but then I'd be laid up for a while and honestly as long as I don't focus on it I just push through. I'm sure at some point in the next 10-20 years it will get beyond the point of annoyance and I'll have to have it fixed but so far no ligament or joint damage so it's just the chits getting old.
Swim and do the cheap/free 1month trial of knees over toes. You’ll be ready for next season if you start now
Me to,only in strenuous hiking hills,inside knee almost shuts me down.Happen 4-5 times the last 4 years.
Going to see ortho next week.
Is it kind of like the inside on the apex of your knee joint? What does it feel like on yours? Recently Ive been starting to have severe soreness for days after anything strenuous like skiing. Like the actual ligament is painful if i apply pressure, or obviously walk.
I went through 2 orthopedic surgeons, and 2 physical therapists with my knee pain. All told me there was nothing wrong. “Could be this,” or “could be that.” But no solutions or relief. I gave up for a long time and lived with it.

I finally enrolled in ATGs (knees over toes guy) plan. I started to see some progress. There were a couple exercises that were especially difficult for me. I focused on those specific exercises after a few months, and now I’m 90% pain free. To the point that I rarely do any specific training for my knees. I do occasionally do their “split squats” if I’m having some pain.

Their customer service is outstanding also, if you have any issues or questions. I would highly recommend their program. It’s reasonably priced, too. One of the best investments I’ve made in myself.
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Knee pain but not in the front. It is focused in the back, center to right side of right knee. I can't pull it back as far as the other knee and get pain to discomfort. It feels like tendons but I can't define whether it is coming from the calf or the hamstring or both.

In the woods last year, I reached a point I couldn't lift my lower leg over logs while walking downhill.

I'm going to the ortho on monday for a pre-emptive strike.
Had a similar knee issues and I'll say this. Go see a doctor. Depending on what's going on in your knee the Dr. may recommend physio or a medical procedure.

What I do know from experinece is it's too easy to worsen your condition by lestening to bad advice or trying to do what worked or someone else.

"oops, just realized this is a 9 year old thread"
Had a similar knee issues and I'll say this. Go see a doctor. Depending on what's going on in your knee the Dr. may recommend physio or a medical procedure.

What I do know from experinece is it's too easy to worsen your condition by lestening to bad advice or trying to do what worked or someone else.

"oops, just realized this is a 9 year old thread"
Sage advice.
From a nutritionalist's perspective : deff take Chondroitin and glucosamine as a supplement daily but also .... Lower your sodium intake. Sodium increases swelling and inflammation which is a big contributed to your pain. Granted it will not be a cure or replace the need for a doc visit (if its really bad) but it will deff take the edge off and decrease the pain.
Every study I have read over the years states any benefit is too small to measure. So it's probably not a cost effective option with any real gains for most patients. However, I'm not saying a select few may report true benefit (real vs. placebo?). It's not unreasonable to do a trial for 8 weeks, if no benefit, discontinue. Personally, I will keep my money in my pocket. As to the OP, I agree with others, get it checked out. But, pain directly behind the patella may be chondromalacia and given the fact you have pain below the patella, which implies patellar tendon, patellar tendonitis is also in the differential. You have no reported joint pain along the medial/lateral joint line that is a good thing. Bottom line, you need an in person exam to sort this out.

From a Harvard Review:
  • A 2018 review of previous research found that treating knee or hip osteoarthritis with glucosamine and chondroitin led to small improvements on a pain scale, but it wasn’t clear that the pain relief was actually meaningful.
  • A 2022 analysis of eight studies that included nearly 4,000 people with knee osteoarthritis found no convincing evidence that glucosamine and chondroitin provided major benefit.
  • The case for these supplements protecting joint health or preventing arthritis from worsening is similarly weak.
Hoping somebody can chime in on a problem I have been having. This hasn't started until this last season. I have been getting a severe pain in my right knee. The pain is isolated just under and below my knee cap. It does not hurt at rest but I can really feel it when planting my foot or completely extending my leg. Hiking or any strenuous activity really flares it up. Even more so when going down hill.

I have not twisted or otherwise hurt it in anyway to point towards a problem. Any help? Thanks
In the absence of a traumatic knee injury (ie. you hurt it playing football) that would require a doctor, I would try two things: stretching and strengthening.
1) stretching, you can develop pain in the knee, at the kneecap, and below if you have tight quads. I would google some quad stretches, and then focus on that for a couple weeks. That would be my first go-to. I would also work on some hip opening and ham-string. You could also go for a massage, and during the massage ask them about your leg tightness.
2) strengthening: quad, hamstring and mobility training. Youtube shoudl give you lots of options that suit your needs (ie. working out at home, at the office gym, or in a proper gym).
If the pain is from arthritis have your Dr. give you a prescription for Voltaire gel. Works for me and several other people I know. It will take several days for it to really kick in but it sure helps me.
I’m certainly no doctor, but I do have a lot of experience with mountain climbing, backpacking and knee pain. As some others mentioned, stretching helps! But one thing that helped my knees the most was strengthening my muscles AROUND my knees (recommended by my doc). If you significantly strengthen the muscles around your knee joint, it takes the pressure off of the joint.
If the pain is from arthritis have your Dr. give you a prescription for Voltaire gel. Works for me and several other people I know. It will take several days for it to really kick in but it sure helps me.
Nice GSP!

Voltaren is OTC but may be cheaper with rx. On Amazon you can get 2 3.5 oz tubes for $27.