That's probably a good way to say it, GK, but at least the information is out there now to another prospective buyer, and they'll know that if they get a Kimber that doesn't seem to hold up the guarantee, then they'll be in for - at this point in time, at least - at least 8 weeks of fiddling. With as many other 'projects' I've got going on in life, this was not supposed to end up being another project that takes months to complete and a lot of fiddling, waiting 45min to speak to customer service, etc., etc. At this point, I don't want to be adding projects. If the state of things is that a $1200 rifle with an accuracy guarantee can reasonably be expected to turn out as a "project", then that's the way things are, but no thanks.
I think another pertinent piece of information is what a "good outcome" requires in my case, and in the case of any future buyer - at least 8 weeks of waiting to see if whatever they do (Dremeling, barrel replacement, or - possibly - nothing) even works. Then, if not, 8 more weeks. Call it perfectly expected and reasonable, call it insanely ridiculous - it is what it is, and I'm not willing to go through it.
I'm guessing that at least some of you are retired with no kids in the house...