Kimber Montana vs. Tikka T3x Superlite vs. Savage 16 LWH (308)

Well I will be damned, the price of things is going through the roof! 1200 spent on a rifle and you aren't yet qualified to give your opinion!
I don't need to present credentials to simply report what customer service said to me over the phone. I'm simply taking them at their word. And either way, the information is out there now - they told me 8 weeks, that's all. I don't know if it'll be 2 days or 4 months, but taking them at their word, I have to assume 8 weeks. And I'm just not willing to fiddle with it for that long.

all good points, I'd like to add that I have had cause to send 2 different Montana's in for servicing, address is Kalispell MT, and each was back in my hands in more like 3 weeks, even though the 8 week disclaimer was presented at each issuance of an RMA # - I also think it a bit unfair for a person who is giving feedback publicly yet has presented no credentials pertinent to experience or skill set to offer negative advertising for any company (and I realize that I'm a hypocrite for saying this) but as said before, to not give Kimber the chance to exercise and prove or disprove their "guaranteed" claim, possibly discouraging future sales based on this feedback - In simpler terms, and MY thinking, if you don't send it in and give Kimber the opportunity to prove themselves you're doing not only Kimber but other potential otherwise delighted consumers a huge disservice (IMO of course) - You are also not giving yourself the chance to have a "killer" lightweight mountain rifle for a fair price
I don't know if it'll be 2 days or 4 months, but taking them at their word, I have to assume 8 weeks. And I'm just not willing to fiddle with it for that long.

Why not? I mean, it's February after all and, you probably won't be using it to hunt with for at least another 6 or 7 months, right?

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Well I will be damned, the price of things is going through the roof! 1200 spent on a rifle and you aren't yet qualified to give your opinion!

So true a guy that shoots AR-15 with a simple red dot that goes 6.5 pounds with 1.5" groups all day is a pretty good endorsement IMO.

But this is coming from a guy that merely looks at the spec sheet and nothing more.... ;)

So what do I know.
So true a guy that shoots AR-15 with a simple red dot that goes 6.5 pounds with 1.5" groups all day is a pretty good endorsement IMO.

But this is coming from a guy that merely looks at the spec sheet and nothing more.... ;)

So what do I know.

Say what you want the man did his due diligence and was nice enough to document it on here for others to see. They can take away anything or nothing from it. Either way it's a credit to the man for for taking the time.
If we take it at face value that's probably more than 90% of hunters do with their rifles. To be told after that effort and documentation that is somehow unfair to the "company" and shouldn't be broadcast kind of rubs me the wrong way.
But hey I am a bow hunter ..what do I Know.
Well Rorschach I appreciate you doing this thread and thought it has been entertaining and informative. I think your putting in a good bit of effort into getting these rifles to shoot and haven't considering anything you've said hating or bashing. I also agree that someone shouldn't have to put in a crap ton of time, money, or effort to get a product to do something that it's guaranteed to do if you have a reasonable skill set that would allow the product to perform up to said guarantee. Thank goodness there are tons of great companies/guns/products that we get to choose from and try out. Looking forward to seeing the updated Kimber results and how much the Tikka will tighten up after you get the barrel a little more fouled up.
6.5lb 223 vs. 6.5lb 308 might make a fella a little jumpy. Light rifles will tell you every flaw.
And we're 100% sure of the scope? Has anyone else shot either rifle?

this "was" my point all along - we all commented back and forth but there was no real response that I saw - I asked the question about sending it in full well that it hadn't been done, I am assuming another scope has not been tried nor another shooter involved - I've eaten "crow" a time or three, just trying to help get to the bottom of this "problem" as have some others here with more experience than I - I'll just mozy on down the road and mind my own damn business ........
The real comparison might be Kimber Hunter vs. Tikka T3, value wise. Apples to apples. T3 to Montana is apples to apple pie.

I like pie.

agreed- I think the Hunter is a solid performer, especially at it's price point
this "was" my point all along - we all commented back and forth but there was no real response that I saw - I asked the question about sending it in full well that it hadn't been done, I am assuming another scope has not been tried nor another shooter involved - I've eaten "crow" a time or three, just trying to help get to the bottom of this "problem" as have some others here with more experience than I - I'll just mozy on down the road and mind my own damn business ........

A base screw just a smidge long will create holy hell.
Say what you want the man did his due diligence and was nice enough to document it on here for others to see. They can take away anything or nothing from it. Either way it's a credit to the man for for taking the time.
If we take it at face value that's probably more than 90% of hunters do with their rifles. To be told after that effort and documentation that is somehow unfair to the "company" and shouldn't be broadcast kind of rubs me the wrong way.
But hey I am a bow hunter ..what do I Know.

Wow wasn't expecting that from agreeing with you...anyways happy hunting!
GK, I thought I'd responded to a post or two, about others shooting it and the scope, neither of which have been done.

And again, Luke, are you implying that my claim about shooting an AR (let us also take note that I've never used the word "all day" as you keep claiming I have, and won't, because there's just about nothing I can do "all day") is dubious? Please come right out and say it, if so. I keep reading you bringing it up, and the tone of it reads like you're calling into question something I've said about shooting AR's.

I put the scope on the Tikka and immediately shot tighter groups, generally, and definitely tighter with a couple types of ammo that rifle 'preferred'. In my rationale, that reduces the likelihood of both the optic and the shooter lying at the bottom of the issue.

this "was" my point all along - we all commented back and forth but there was no real response that I saw - I asked the question about sending it in full well that it hadn't been done, I am assuming another scope has not been tried nor another shooter involved - I've eaten "crow" a time or three, just trying to help get to the bottom of this "problem" as have some others here with more experience than I - I'll just mozy on down the road and mind my own damn business ........
You're right about the time frame for hunting.

It really boils down to me simply not wanting to have this hanging over my head for at least 8 weeks (and let's be realistic, probably more like 10 weeks by the time you consider mailing it, trips to the range, etc.). Simple as that.

Why not? I mean, it's February after all and, you probably won't be using it to hunt with for at least another 6 or 7 months, right?

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GK, I thought I'd responded to a post or two, about others shooting it and the scope, neither of which have been done.

And again, Luke, are you implying that my claim about shooting an AR (let us also take note that I've never used the word "all day" as you keep claiming I have, and won't, because there's just about nothing I can do "all day") is dubious? Please come right out and say it, if so. I keep reading you bringing it up, and the tone of it reads like you're calling into question something I've said about shooting AR's.

I put the scope on the Tikka and immediately shot tighter groups, generally, and definitely tighter with a couple types of ammo that rifle 'preferred'. In my rationale, that reduces the likelihood of both the optic and the shooter lying at the bottom of the issue.

Sorry I should have said you could come out "any day" and be confident enough to shoot a 1.5" group with your AR. I am not implying anything, this thread has become far to touchy for me to say anything in anymore without getting people all up tight.

I appreciate your effort in documenting what you did here for future folks. I personally given your criteria wouldn't bother with the Kimber anymore as it hasn't even gotten close to performing at its maker claims and nothing indicates it will...which I kinda stated in the beginnging of this thread.

Sorry if you felt I was implying anything other than you SHOULD be disappointed the factory bolt guns with factory ammo don't perform as well as your ultralight AR with handloads. That is all quite trying to read anything more into it man. Have fun and good luck this season hunting!