Form, I've read several separate sources now say that the barrels aren't free-floated (they have tabs partway up the stock that contact the barrel), but I'm not super-confident in the veracity of that information. Can anyone else confirm?
I have a few different ammo makes/types that I have enough left of to try 10-round groups using (Superformance, Fusions, FGMM), and I will try to find some more Precision Hunter. For the rest, where the ammo permits, I will try to shift to 5-round groups. I'll say I'm done with the 3-rd groups, at this point then.
Will definitely do the rear bag next time out and see what happens. My wobble zone is pretty tiny, but will definitely be smaller with a rear bag. I had enough jacket on this morning with the cool temps that I couldn't see my heartbeat in the reticle's movement at all. I was set up pretty solid, even with manually supporting the rear of the stock.
JWW, what do you mean that my "point-of-aim is not easily repeatable" since I'm not using a rear bag? Are you saying that 1/8" (or less, as measured at 100yds on target) of wobble zone improvement has the potential to decrease grouping by 1"?