I ran a patch down it to clean out whatever residual oils were in there from prep for storage by the distributor. That's it. No scrubbing.
Snyder - what I meant when referring to crosshairs movement is really 'wobble zone' before the shot broke. And, throughout the process, I occasionally dry fire to 'de-flinch' myself, although I never did detect myself flinching, or in any other way 'feel' like the shots I took were not good shots.
I think the consistency of the results throughout the entire series of groups so far lends credence to my performance being fairly consistent, at the very least. However, since none of you can vet my shooting skill, it is most reasonable to also consider that I may be the issue with the rifle's performance, with it being capable in the right hands of much more.
GK - I would never unload a rifle I reasonably believed had an issue without full disclosure on that perceived issue to the prospective purchaser. And, I agree with you 100%, that Kimber deserves a chance to right this. However, I wanted to fully disclose my experience with this rifle, regardless of what happened, and to also get folks' feedback that have more experience than I do with lightweight rifles. I will fully disclose in this thread what happens with Kimber's CS.
If Kimber won't outright give my money back, I would probably send it to them for whatever work, then just sell it straight from that point without shooting it.
At this point, provided the rifle doesn't magically start shooting, I would consider them having 'fulfilled' any guarantee they offered by giving my money back. I don't consider it a very good 'guarantee' if the customer has to screw around for 2 months with shipping the rifle here and there, Kimber changing this or that, shipping it back to test, etc., etc. Am I alone in my thinking on this?