Went to the range this morning to try and ascertain what kind of accuracy is attainable with the Montana. This is straight out of the box with the above-mentioned optic/rings mounted.
Gotta say, not impressed so far, but I'll give it another trip or two to perform before I try the Tikka.
Shot several different brands and types of hunting ammunition. I'd shoot a 3-round group with about 10sec between shots, then let it cool for 7min between strings, load up three rds of the next type of ammo, and repeat.
The front of the rifle was rested on a sandbag, and the rear was simply held into the pocket of the shoulder by hand (did not use the rice-filled sock pictured to rest the butt on).
While being allowed to cool between strings, the rifle was placed in a muzzle-up orientation to possibly aid cooling (chimney effect, possibly - photos below).
Types of ammo (all 308win):
- Federal Fusion 180gr
- Federal Fusion 165gr
- Federal Fusion 150gr
- Hornady Superformance SST 150gr
- Hornady Precision Hunter ELD-X 178gr
- Remington Hog Hammer 168gr
- Hornady Full Boar 165gr
- One thing I noticed is that the length-of-pull is way different than what I'm used to (AR stock fully extended). Feels much shorter, but the LOP measurement seems to be ~13.5" or so, exactly what was in the specs for the rifle (thought I might have gotten the wrong stock on it at first or something). The optic is mounted as far forward as it will go in those rings, which seems about right for offhand/upright shooting (affords a very comfortable and natural head-position when held in field positions).
- The optic and mounts mated very nicely with the contour of barrel(photo below); for my head geometry, the cheek weld is perfect. Super low. Haven't had a rifle that fits this nicely in a while.
Photos attached below.
Results on target:
Objective clearance:
Rifle cooling between strings: