Shot this goat at under 50m with a 300 win mag shooting 190gr federal premium ammo.
Shot it once in the shoulder and nothing really happened but it didnt run so i shot again and same thing after another minute or so of it just standing there i put one at the base of its skull to drop it. This was some time ago and i don't have autopsy photos but it appeared the first 2 zipped through with no expansion at all.
I wish I had taken a photo, but I took a mountain grizzly with a 165 grain sst out of a 30-06. 85 yards and 2983 fps muzzle velocity. Right behind the shoulder, no exit. The bear rolled down the hill. We were skinning her and my buddy was telling me he was going to get me into eating heart. So he opened up the chest cavity and said, “dude, the heart is gone”. So it was, and also the lungs, except for a small lobe on one side.
Lots of brutal gore up in here. I hunt with a .338 win mag but I don't like that much nastiness. I like my big holes all the way through and short very liberal blood trails. Tracking at my place is miserable and it's extremely easy to lose a deer without a lot of blood sprayed around.
All my .338 win, 230gr oryx kills look exactly like this. Some farther forward are bang flops and the ones shot like this are short very bloody blood trails. I like it.