doc holiday13
Sh** happens in the real world of hunting if we video it or not. Be a moral, ethical hunter and try your best to recover whatever animal you are hunting! Anytime you post a video you will have people critique and criticize something in that video, that’s human nature. We all just have to try our best in the hunt and recovery. If we do that, then that’s all anyone can truly ask for and we put on our big boy pants and move on to the next hunt. Learn from our successes and failures!
Hell some people would probably think the way I hunt is wrong.. In certain parts of VA, there is zero daily limit on number of whitetail does you can take. Your only limit is how many tags you have.. You can buy a lot of bonus doe tags.. My friends father probably bought 15 of them about 7 years ago because he's retired. I generally fill all of my doe tags in 1 or 2 days of doe hunting because its more efficient use of my time. Last season I knocked 3 does down in 4 minutes. All the meat went to my freezer but "OMG he killed sooo many deerz"
I'll be honest... for me, hunting is about putting meat on my table and I enjoy it. Its more expensive to hunt 5 days and shoot 5 deer than it is to shoot 5 deer in 1 day and I'm allowed to do such a thing in my part of VA
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