Welp? Retrieved my mail today and found an Ark Frame. First impression before the “unboxing” was wow! This thing is light! I wondered if anything was in the box!
Upon opening, fit and finish is great. I tried it on as is because I was worried about belt size. Only took a few seconds to have a smile on my face. Fits great and I’ve almost lost the weight I targeted a month and a half ago. So, cinched tight I can still go more once I lose the couple more pounds to get me back down to hunting weight.
It feels different for sure! Feels stiff and very rigid compared to my Duplex Ultra Light. It rides a little different than both my UL and my Tactical. The pad sticks right into my lower back like it’s meant to be. Nice and snug when tightened up. I doubt there will be any kind of slippage whatsoever based on how it fits and where it rides.
First impression of that belt is, there isn’t anything I don’t like about it.
You ever have a piece of gear that feels and fits just right? Last time I had that feel was the first time I picked up my Bowtech D350 15 years ago. It was a match made for the elkwoods for sure! Same feel with this frame! I’m excited and can’t wait to put this to the test! The Hoodlum will love this frame! So will the DT1!