
I have four.

One is no longer on this earth.

If I could go back in time and decide not to have any of them... I would still have all of them.

As others have said, ya gotta find the right woman.

If you have found her: proceed.
I thought the hardest thing I had ever done was telling my wife (then fiancé) that I loved her and walking away with my bags for my first deployment. Then we had our son and I did the same thing when he was 6 months old….and again when he was 4. I love both of my children immensely (10 year old son, 6 year old daughter). Thankfully my life has calmed down and I haven’t had to leave them for more than a couple weeks in the past few years. I wasn’t ready to be a father when we had our first and I still don’t know if I’m doing it right 10 years later. No one is ever ready, you just have kids or you don’t.
Holy Cow! I was not expecting that many replies! It will take me some time to go through everything, but I want to thank everyone for their input. A lot of great info and a lot to think about.
I couldn't imagine not having my two.
Its not easy but nothing great is easy.
There is no better thing in this world than children. I have had my struggles with mine and still do and am sure I always will. No different than I was for my parents.
My son will be 16 in march and my daughter will be 11 in February. Me and their mother divorced and it was tough but everyone made it through and is better than before.
My son really doesn't like to hunt, doesn't like guns, but likes to fish. My daughter wants to do it all. So its a balance.
It is a scary world out there and nothing worries me more than that. But you raise them right teach them right and values you believe in and they will be fine.
your never ready, there is no manual or instructions that's for sure. Your gonna make mistakes, screw things up from time to time. Thats just life but it will go on and it will get better.
Having kids is the best thing that's happened to me next to marrying my wife. I can't imagine my life without my kids.

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In my opinion the 3 most important decisions you will make in life are
1. to accept Jesus as your Saviour
2. the woman you choose as your wife
3. having kids

Nothing can prepare you for the amount of love and sense of responsibility that you will feel for a child
Everything you love to do in life (sports, hunting, fishing, etc.) is magnified 10x when watching your kids do it or while doing it with them.
Always remember that kids spell love: T-I-M-E
I can't imagine life without my kids. I started late too but wouldn't change a thing.
My dad once told me, "Don't have kids, it's not worth it." We have a good relationship, and now you have insight into my sense of humor.

I have two, and I think that's my cap. But I wouldn't trade them or the experience for anything.
I think as many have said already kids are a rewarding experience that can't be compared to much else. I think having a wife who you know can handle the good times and bad times by your side is a big piece, and going into it knowing you will be making some sacrifices to be an active dad for a while is the other piece. I got thrown into the deep end with premie twins rounds one, but looking back that was the biggest blessing. I had to be an active parent to help with nighttime feedings and oxygen and all the chaos. I also made the decision from the start I wouldn't be one of those dads where my life stays normal and my wife carries the load. Sometimes I hunt a little less than I would have before but its a choice to put your family first. 6 years in I am at the rewarding part where I can take my girls scouting with me (we scale the distance back on what I would do alone, but its part of the give and take). They went on their first evening archery elk hunt with me this fall and were so into it, hiking quietly, looking at tracks, wanting to look through binoculars because they thought they saw something. We also took their one year old brother who made sure every elk in the area knew his dada was there so needless to say we didn't have any encounters, but we made memories and as others have said those memories are hard to beat. Good luck in the decision.
Mines 30, on her own and successful, chef by training and owns a restaurant in Pittsburgh PA.
Kids are never really planned. I mean we all know what goes into producing them.

I never wanted children and got a vasectomy as soon as possible. Just never was for me.
I have four between ages 2-9 and wouldn't change a thing. One thing I would add is how much more appreciation I have for my parents after experiencing life with my kids.

Plus, I doubt you'll ever experience front-pack-fishing with a niece/nephew!

I didn't want to read the prior replies and have those bias my reply, so here goes, probably some dudes already said this.

The most succint way I can describe having kids, is if you look at your current life and the highs and lows, kids will just make the highs higher and the lows lower. I have achieved no higher joy in life than when my kid does something impressive, something inherited or something I taught him or her, positive feedback I get about my kids from other people, etc. It's just pure pride stemming from the amount of effort I put into them. We are definitely NOT helicopter parents, FWIW. As an example, we let our kids learn a lot of things the hard way. Not because we are apathetic parents, but we make the active choice to do it that way because we believe those lessons are remembered.

Conversely, when I see my kids lose their shit, and I know they inherited my temper or general inability to control impulses, man that hurts me right down in my gut. I feel like I have failed them. I tear up now just thinking about it. Some of the lowest times in my life were when my daughter was in the NICU for an extended period. I felt powerless. She's all good now tho.

Anyway, OP, judging by your original post, you are EXACTLY the kind of person who should be having children, and probably lots of them. You seem quite thoughtful, you'll make a great Dad.
Man... Kids... its a wild ride. I have 2 step kids and 1 bio.. I love them all in different ways.

My bio wasn't planned. I've lost a lot of sleep over that kid and I'm scared for the world unless i can get her wrangled in. My goal is to fix all the mistakes my parents made. My parents weren't bad but they were flawed. Catch what I'm saying here. I'm not "giving my kid all the things I didn't have" I'm talking about fixing how my parents handled or didn't handle certain things. I'm talking about instructing my child based on how she needs instruction and not how my parents "fixed" my bad behavior. There are still spankings but thats not the only or first solution.

My goal is to leave them with fewer of my flaws than i have but still love them regardless
I have 3. My biggest regret in life thus far is not having more. Didn't know anything about kids when we started having them. You will figure that out.
Have a 3 and 5 year old. A ton of work and a bit of stress. But an awesome investment of time and one of the more satisfying things that I’ve done in life. I’m 40 and am glad I waited till this age vs 20 something.

Highly recommend.