I didn't want to read the prior replies and have those bias my reply, so here goes, probably some dudes already said this.
The most succint way I can describe having kids, is if you look at your current life and the highs and lows, kids will just make the highs higher and the lows lower. I have achieved no higher joy in life than when my kid does something impressive, something inherited or something I taught him or her, positive feedback I get about my kids from other people, etc. It's just pure pride stemming from the amount of effort I put into them. We are definitely NOT helicopter parents, FWIW. As an example, we let our kids learn a lot of things the hard way. Not because we are apathetic parents, but we make the active choice to do it that way because we believe those lessons are remembered.
Conversely, when I see my kids lose their shit, and I know they inherited my temper or general inability to control impulses, man that hurts me right down in my gut. I feel like I have failed them. I tear up now just thinking about it. Some of the lowest times in my life were when my daughter was in the NICU for an extended period. I felt powerless. She's all good now tho.
Anyway, OP, judging by your original post, you are EXACTLY the kind of person who should be having children, and probably lots of them. You seem quite thoughtful, you'll make a great Dad.