Just Moved to Spokane... Hikes? Fishing? Other Thoughts?

Feb 14, 2013
Recently moved from Flagstaff to Spokane... Significant other received a work promotion. We have two kids (6 and 10) and we try to keep them as busy as possible.

I’d be extremely grateful if anyone has any suggestions for outdoor activities... nearby hikes to do or any lakes to hike into and do some fishing with the kids?

I’ll throw it out that I’ll be working into the hunting here ASAP. I’m in good physical shape and hunting is not a “hobby” to me, it is a passion. I respect all of the unwritten rules of hunting and invest both time and money to be as successful as possible... I carry my weight as a hunting partner and have an attitude that is 98.2% positive. My greatest success has been mule deer hunting... I archery hunt primarily but am open to rifle hunting. I’ll be learning about WA hunting over the next few weeks. I don’t mind solo hunting, packed out a handful of animals on my own, but I very much prefer to share time in the woods/hills/mountains with a friend and fellow hunter.

Currently staying in some apartments in Kendall Yards her company put us in... house hunting is not nearly as fun or easy as real hunting.

Feels weird to throw out on the internet, but not being from the area and not knowing anyone here does not bode well for my social life and this forum probably has some of the best people in the country on it... and I’ll be going bat-shit crazy being in an apartment without much adult interaction til I get employed... anyway, any guidance or suggestions or words of wisdom you are willing to share about the Spokane area, hunting WA, or other insights or opportunities will be appreciated very much! Thanks and good luck to everyone waiting for the Idaho and Arizona draws to come out!


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Mar 15, 2012
SE Alaska
sounds like those hunting skills will benefit ya while job searching

good luck with the home search too
Feb 16, 2021
Eastern Oregon
You're in great turkey and black bear country, but also whitetail country not mule deer. Gotta head back towards the Cascades for the mulies. Don't know much about elk out there except that wolves are decimating them up near the border. I'm useless for fishing and hiking information over there, but if you want to venture over to the Cascades I got lots of recommendations.

Go join hunting-washington.com. You'll probably have better chances of linking up with someone local through that site. Never had a bad experience meeting up with people I met through it.

Salmon River Solutions

Rokslide Sponsor
Jul 5, 2018
North Idaho
welcome to the area!

Good luck finding a house, it’s very rough here right now. You could also look into living in Idaho instead of WA. But prices are a lot more expensive on the Idaho side!
Feb 26, 2012
Spokane, WA
We are hiring at the jail just down the road from your apartments, if you're so inclined.

You guys picked a great area to move to. Lots of outdoor activities within a short drive.

Shoot me a PM if you have any questions about the area specifically. Lived in Eastern WA my entire life.


Aug 23, 2018
Right now it's huckleberry picking time. They're everywhere above 4k feet.

We have secret mule deer in Wa....but it doesn't get discussed. Upland hunting is very good. Fishing is stellar.

You can shoot me a specific species or habitat you're interested in and i can help you find some resources.

Welcome to the ghetto.