I bet your groups would tighten up some if you had a defined or more crisp aiming point. Shooting at a black block that is torn up makes it hard to aim in the same spot each time.
Good luck to all you guys that are heading to AZ this month
You too buddy, truck is all packed, ready to go.
Also a big thanks to Robby Denning for relaying texts if needed.
I'm your huckleberry
Coop, you really need to get down there sometime. If my job wasn't so busy this time of year, I'd love to hunt deer on dirt in January.
Glad you're doing this hunt Slim for all us snow-bound folks. All the best.
That brown truck can't come quick enough. Haha
Have a safe and hopefully successful hunt!
FINALLY on the road, Lon morning but all smooth now. Good luck slim.