It's finally here!


Mar 15, 2012
SE Alaska
Good stuff

Luke is a top notch hunter and man. Not only did he get his ram but shortly there after took me and CtP out for our own rams. The man is a very skilled outdoorsman and helped get three rams in two weeks from two different mt. ranges in Alaska. That doesn't count the two bull caribou and the multiple moose we toyed with. He and I even passed on a 60+ bull while still caring for the caribou meat.

His hunting and writing speak for itself. I for one am grateful for my time in the field with him. Good stuff! I'm looking forward to a little field time again this up comming September at his cabin. Yanert CUA here I come! Maybe I'll get another 60+ in the Swaro. Keep the good contributions comming Luke.

BTW...I'm the buddy that got that wide flaring ram he passed on. Thanks again man!