Lots of rifles are picky about ammo, even the higher end ones.
Almost all of my rifles shoot different bullets.
Like Amos Moses says, find one that you like as construction and try it in different grains.
And if that doesn't work, keep trying til you find "the one."
Bonded bullets (like Noslet Accubonds, Swift Scirroco II, Federal Trophy Bonded Tip are excellent choices) Copper/Monolithic bullets (like Barnes, Trophy Coppers, hornady GMX, or Nosler E-Tip) are also great with 99% weight retention, and the "ol Trusty" Nosler Partition is THE bench mark bullet by which all other bullets are measured against. Any of them will be sure to provide what your looking for--a great bullet that does its job.
People even swear by standard Cup-n-Core bullets (like Remington Cork-Lokt, Hornady Interlok, Hornady SST, Remington Core-Lokt Tipped or Winchester Power-Points), but ammo is usually the cheapest thing on a hunt. So most guys grab the premiums bullets (Bonded or Monolithic) in case they have a less-than-stellar shot angle.
Bought a Tikka 300 WM recently and tried 3 different manufacturers bullets and none shot better than 1.5" groups, drilled the bedding out from hitting the chamber and put a metal block in it to see if that made a difference (never had to do any of this on any of my other "budget" rifles) and still, 1.5" was the best group.
Switched to Federal Trophy Copper 180 gr. and boom, clover-leafs. So I found my ammo!
Strangely, you can have the same rifle from the same manufacturer in the same model & bought on the same day from the same store and they'll shoot different ammo.