When I was maybe 18 or so I was scouring the entire store looking for condoms thinking “where the hell are these things in here?!”
Finally I had to just ask the only person working the floor, who happened to be an absolute MILF.
She said “oh people steal them, so we keep them back here in the safe.” We both proceed to go back to this safe together.
She opens it up, and the only boxes in there were magnums. She grabs one and turns around and says “this is all we have I guess”.
I laughed and said “well I sure don’t ******* need those things”. We both laughed our asses off standing there, and she just put them back in the safe and I left empty handed hahahaha. Still cracks me up to think about that interaction

Anyways….. enough about me…. This is another reason to shoot a “magnum”. It’s science.
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