Is There Ever a Time to Hunt with Magnum Calibers?

When I was in college this chick came over and things were starting to happen. I didnt have any condoms but there was a gas station right by my apartment. I threw some clothes on and ran there. They were sold out, so I bought a Pepsi, went back to the apartment, sent her home and watched TV while drinking said Pepsi.

I often wonder which would have been more memorable?
Didnt want to show her how good your Jenga game is?
If you want to see an exercise in a huge ego, you ought to read the elk hunt he posted over on 24HCF before he bailed over there. He's been using the same old schtick for years when you question him, and his "thousands, plural" of animals he's personally killed....well......

He's a master at "leading/educating" people, that's for sure.
I think I read that. Was that the one where everything he did was a Herculean effort? And none of us mere mortals would have been able to accomplish the feat?

I only use magnums. Always needed them. Then I started to hear about all these people not using them, so I thought what the hell? I will try it. It was pretty fun. Until the one time it didn’t quite work out. While the outcome is pretty predictable, it was a bit of a surprise. Give me about 3.5 more months and I will will be able to post picture evidence of the results.
Shit, that took me 3 reads. Now I get it. 😂
See post 404 for that answer.

She wasnt hot, nor rich enough to risk it.

Ironically though. I had a connection to the girl that married her younger brother and ran into her at the reception. The nice way of putting it is, I high fived myself for walking away from that one.
Thought you from Utah, not much risk from the Utah "option".
Haha I’ve never seen someone so triggered by an administrative term that’s been explained to them countless times.

Good thing Ryan was here to make accommodations. Gotta promote inclusivity.
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There were a number of other posts before and in between that lay the context of my qoutes, however they weren't included.
I will admit I have read no posts in this thread as it amazes me that there are 22 pages in two weeks devoted to a really , really dumb ass post. Do people really have that little to do to that they can waste their time on reading all this nonsense? Don't people get this, I do not care what you think about my choice in what I hunt with. Nor should you care what I think about your choice of what to hunt with. Spend you're time posting on something that adds to the community, or at least is entertaining or amusing if not meaningful.
With respect, the context of what I was saying wasn't quoted and that was right there for the taking. Was that too lazy, or an honest oversight?
With respect, the context of what I was saying wasn't quoted and that was right there for the taking. Was that too lazy, or an honest oversight?
Oh, trust me. To those of us third party readers, it was.

Can you share whether that is considering the full context of what was being talked about or considering a line unto itself?
And all the readers said, “Yes.”
Can you share whether that is considering the full context of what was being talked about or considering a line unto itself?
Sure, you misunderstood something that was posted to someone OTHER than you, you latched onto it (taking a legitimate question as an accusation) in your rush to find something posted by someone you obviously don’t agree with and could use against him to gain support from others.

Then after the other poster showed some class by stepping away after pointing out your error to you several times, DAYS later when the thread was bumped by someone else, you immediately jumped back into it.

So yeah, you are looking like an ass, stop digging the hole.
Sure, you misunderstood something that was posted to someone OTHER than you, you latched onto it (taking a legitimate question as an accusation) in your rush to find something posted by someone you obviously don’t agree with and could use against him to gain support from others.

Then after the other poster showed some class by stepping away after pointing out your error to you several times, DAYS later when the thread was bumped by someone else, you immediately jumped back into it.

So yeah, you are looking like an ass, stop digging the hole.
If you want to see an exercise in a huge ego, you ought to read the elk hunt he posted over on 24HCF before he bailed over there. He's been using the same old schtick for years when you question him, and his "thousands, plural" of animals he's personally killed....well......

He's a master at "leading/educating" people, that's for sure.
I see you bring his hunting story up a lot — like literally every time he says something you disagree with.

So I went and read it, thinking it would be something recent and egregious.

I guess I was surprised to find that it’s nothing more than a 12 year old somewhat cringey hunting story. I think it says a lot that your primary disparaging argument is a cringey story from when he was probably in his 20’s. Aren’t you a little old to be hanging on to stuff like that?

It’s even funnier because he could clearly choose to go back and erase it, yet he hasn’t hid from it.
Yes, I brought up a minimum impact velocity to achieve the bullet performance that I am comfortable with when it comes to killing. I fully believe that someone who has a solid understanding of how their chosen bullet behaves in flesh at various impact velocities is a more effective hunter.

I’m not pushing a 223 for anything, to anyone. I’m merely relating my specific experiences with various cartridges and specific bullets across an array of animals, and what I have found to be an effective and efficient combination when it comes to killing. Shoot whatever you like, I care not. I WILL however point out that some bullets kill faster and more decisively than others, regardless of diameter.

BC isn’t important to me. At all. It’s merely a unit of measure that tells me where my minimum velocity threshold will occur, and how much my bullet of choice can be moved by wind. I need to know what it is so that I can figure out where my performance window ends, but thats about the extent of it.
The construction of the bullet IS important to me - I like how the long nose of the ELD m has a lot of material to crumple and create debris inside the animal, while the long shank keeps penetrating even as it is expanding and fragmenting. That it has a high bc and retains velocity quite well is all a secondary benefit to how it performs on game. Just means I can push the distance out in windier conditions than I could with a short stubby bullet.

SD as a unit of measure is basically meaningless for my purposes as it doesn’t take bullet construction into account. I already KNOW that a Barnes .308” 168 TSX will penetrate deeper more reliably than a 168 Sierra Match King, yet they have the exact same SD.
I recognize that SD is a calculable number, but it doesn’t really mean anything to me. It’s merely an anecdotal piece of information.
No different than figuring out how much energy my daily driver BMW is carrying when I’m doing 150 kph on the highway- it’s a number, and it can be calculated, but it doesn’t really mean anything in the way it is being used.
This is exactly my problem with small calibers. I'm proficient at many ranges with many calibers and have shot elk, caribu and deer with a normal ol' single shot .223.

I've also been in the situation where walking through the timber and found a sub-optimal shot to be required. In some of the heat of moment times, I'm lucky to not shoot my foot off, let alone praying my velocity based bullet will perform correctly going through a branch or two while they are quartering away.

Hunting and putting meat on the table is hard. I'm all in for eliminating calculating complex ballistics in my head while hunting and risking a shot that I know will not work for the bullet that I chose.