Is There Ever a Time to Hunt with Magnum Calibers?

How does one define magnum? That can be debated.

I would argue that a 22CM, is a 22 cal magnum…

So before we can debate coherently (too late) we must define terms.

The thread title is “magnum calibers”… calibers being a measure of bullet diameter. Where does “magnum” begin in this context; what diameter is a “magnum”…

It’s all arbitrary.
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“For a system that you fellas claim is so deadly, and erases the effectiveness of already proven systems, it sure takes some interesting math to understand it, and a whole lot of effort to sell.”

I found this to be a neat observation. I don’t think it totally encompasses what’s happening in these 18 pages of yelling and spitting but it sums up a lot of it!
I’ve tried talking math and ballistics with dead animals before and they sure don’t seem to understand any of it. It’s almost like when a piece of anything goes thru the vitals of a living thing it dies or something…wether the hole was made at 200 fps or at 3000
FPS. Or even if it’s the size of a pencil eraser or the side of a giant jelly bean.

But imma keep reading these threads till I get the math right and animals drop on contact so I too can be a contributor on these forums!

It’s been said here more than once (and no I’m not going to go dig up quotes for all the Missourians) that guides are good for finding animals, knowing about their habits and homes, but know little to nothing about shooting or ballistics. This has been painted very broadly and once it comes from one or two respected ones it gets parroted by a good deal more. This is not reserved just for guides by the way, but many other topics.

It’s fun to watch actually.
I'd say it's more like tires. Everyone thinks they need deep lug all terrain tires to get around. They look cool and you feel like a real man driving them around. I was in this camp for decades.

Then you get a decent set of road tires on your truck, that you didn't want, and you start pushing it so you can get stuck and blame the tires.

This is going to make people hot, but you definitely don't need off road mud terrain tires. They don't help nearly as much as you think. Once you start pushing road tires in deep snow, FS roads, gravel pits, mud fields, you'd be shocked at what they can do.

Mud tires are loud, drive like sh, get bad mileage, and wear terrible. There's no reason for 99 percent of people who have them, to have them. If you want them to look cool or feel more capable, have at it. But you're not gaining as much as you think.

I know, you're thinking you are a special case, and the way you drive is special, and you really need them.

You're thinking 5811, you just don't push your truck like I do, you just don't understand.

Sound familiar?
Just Cooper All Terrains for me
Are you shooting solids?soubds like it.....
That was a 180 tsx. That bullet made it through the lungs but stayed in the cavity.

My pard and I had just clicked our packs on and took one step after eating mountain house and.....that bull popped up right where we were.
It’s been said here more than once (and no I’m not going to go dig up quotes for all the Missourians) that guides are good for finding animals, knowing about their habits and homes, but know little to nothing about shooting or ballistics. This has been painted very broadly and once it comes from one or two respected ones it gets parroted by a good deal more. This is not reserved just for guides by the way, but many other topics.

It’s fun to watch actually.
Ha likely a lot of truth there! Gotta wonder why guides don’t know much about ballistics then right?
Probably the same reason no we don’t know much about Taylor swift. We don’t care. Why don’t we care. Because it Don’t matter. Put bullet where it belongs and things work just fine.

Ps. I shoot a 416 and drive a ford focus. But I also drive a super cub and shoot a .22. Just not on the same day.
That was a 180 tsx. That bullet made it through the lungs but stayed in the cavity.

My pard and I had just clicked our packs on and took one step after eating mountain house and.....that bull popped up right where we were.

Reminds me of the old saying "the more I practice, the luckier I get."
No head shots all behind the shoulder and one moose facing was hit square in the chest. I am actually amazed how little we have lost with them. Even one small buck last year that was shot right between the hind quarters while running away didn’t ruin hardly any meat.
Texas heart shot with little splatter bullet!
Now you have my attention.
Just Cooper All Terrains for me
Flexing on my second set of Cooper ST Maxx tires. Beat the heck out of BFG A/Ts. The Coopers are the tire that all the west TX and NM oil field operators use. I got 80k out of my first set. Ran them down to 12 psi in the dunes without ever breaking a bead. I consider these to be the MAGNUM of all A/T tires and they make my balls feel bigger when the road conditions would normally shrink them…. But I no longer have any need or desire for a 30 cal magnum. Sold that and even the 270 win that was my go to for 25 years no longer gets used. All of my rifle hunting these days is either a 223 of a 6.5 creed. Mostly the former.

It’s a joke guys, it’s a joke!!

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No no, Cooper AT3 XLT. And they have no effect on my balls 🤷
I’d say you’re missing out, but if you don’t do as much desert work as me, the effect on your balls won’t help anything else. But still, sell the 300 mag, buy the tires.
I’d say you’re missing out, but if you don’t do as much desert work as me, the effect on your balls won’t help anything else. But still, sell the 300 mag, buy the tires.
300 wm what???!! I tried some ST Maxxs when I bought my truck, I got less than 20k miles out of them, wont go back to them. If tires are effecting your balls you should see a doctor
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300 wm what???!! I tried some ST Maxxz when I bought my truck, I got less than 20k miles out of them, wont go back to them. If tires are effecting your balls you should see a doctor
I guess you have never felt the shrinkage from the doubt that you will get through something without getting stuck miles from cell service. If you got 20 k out of the Coopers, you should really rotate and check alignment every 5k. My first set lasted twice as many miles as the BFG A/Ts and never had a mesquite spine get through. I’m already 20k into my second set with no issues. Don’t miss the light weight 300 WSM either. The friend who bought it says it kicks like a mule, even with a 9” can. Shot more than 2k rounds through a suppressed 223 Tikka this year. Filled my freezer with it and factory Black Hills 77 gr TMKs. My 6.5 cm and 270 win largely sat in the safe. But you do you.
Dude what are you even talking about!?!?! I dont need or want tire or rifle advice and not sure what led you to believe I did and its highly unlikely youre getting 80k out of a set of tires on a diesel truck that tows on a regular basis
Dude what are you even talking about!?!?! I dont need or want tire or rifle advice and not sure what led you to believe I did and its highly unlikely youre getting 80k out of a set of tires on a diesel truck that tows on a regular basis
Have you read the rest or this damned thread? It’s pure chaos, bullshit, and a fair bit of hatefulness. My posts were actually relatively sentient and pretty polite.

I don’t own a diesel, but those tires are still way better than my old 300 WSM. And if you were taking a big 3/4 or 1-ton diesel where I tend to go, you’d be planted up to the frame in the sand dunes.

#Drinking while posting on Rokslide
Why are you talking to me about tires, 300 wms, sand dunes and your balls?!?!? It makes no sense. I have no desire to drive in the sand and anything less than a 3/4 ton wont pull my loaded horse trailer. Not sure how any if what you are referencing referencing is relevant
How does one define magnum? That can be debated.

I would argue that a 22CM, is a 22 cal magnum…

So before we can debate coherently (too late) we must define terms.

The thread title is “magnum calibers”… calibers bring a measure of bullet diameter. Where does “magnum” begin in this context; what diameter is a “magnum”…

It’s all arbitrary.

Sometimes around here it seems everything bigger than 6mm and case bigger than a Creedmoor is a magnum. Is a 338 federal a magnum? I sure wouldn’t call it that. The 6UM is arguably a magnum, though it’s not in the recoil range most think of with magnums.

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