Is the current administration good or bad for public lands and hunting?

How this administration is on public lands aside, i swear Trump could rape some of you folks’ wives and it would be ok because he didn’t take your guns like Hillary would have.

Pathetic you can’t have a simple conversation without it dissolving into this.
How this administration is on public lands aside, i swear Trump could rape some of you folks’ wives and it would be ok because he didn’t take your guns like Hillary would have.

Pathetic you can’t have a simple conversation without it dissolving into this.

Mine was a simple conversation. The OP side stepped it with the standard, oh one choice is just as bad as the other routine.

Of the two choices we have right now, whom do you think would be the best choice?
Mine was a simple conversation. The OP side stepped it with the standard, oh one choice is just as bad as the other routine.

Of the two choices we have right now, whom do you think would be the best choice?

For public lands? Probably Biden but that doesn't mean i could vote for him.

I'm just saying it's pathetic we cant talk openly about any single political issue without the tribalists taking us off course.
I look at Democrat strongholds to get an idea of how hunting will go under their control. CA, OR, WA. Republicans may suck, but what's happened in California is not good for hunters.
Not sure there is a public hunting and fishing friendly political group. One does something good and something bad. The other the same ,but polar opposite. Unless we Teddy Roosevelt to be reincarnated I fought we ever get a politicians completely on our side. For me it can be a double edged sword. I'm a farmer by trade and an outdoorsman. Somethings go for one and bad for the other.
For public lands? Probably Biden but that doesn't mean i could vote for him.

I'm just saying it's pathetic we cant talk openly about any single political issue without the tribalists taking us off course.

I think the issue is, most folks don’t vote with one issue in mind.
He wasn't asking how you vote but rather how you grade this administration in this category. A discussion on this single topic, not a who likes "Red" or who thinks "Blue" is the best.

Nonsense. Any topic of discussion must dissolve into tribalism and we must discredit any logic if it comes from a person who has any thoughts that align with the wrong political party.
He wasn't asking how you vote but rather how you grade this administration in this category. A discussion on this single topic, not a who likes "Red" or who thinks "Blue" is the best.

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The last time I checked, there wasn’t but two options to vote for. Asking whom you think is the better option for the subject at hand is part of the discussion.

Whom you vote for is on and up to you. It’s all part of the conversation that y’all claim to want to have.
The last time I checked, there wasn’t but two options to vote for. Asking whom you think is the better option for the subject at hand is part of the discussion.
There was never a call for which party or candidate was better. Those threads are not allowed. This isn't the place to debate idealistic views but rather focus on topics that appeal to the community like public lands.
How is this administration doing on public land and hunting? How is this administration doing on public lands and hunting.
Feel free to answer either question.

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There was never a call for which party or candidate was better. Those threads are not allowed. This isn't the place to debate idealistic views but rather focus on topics that appeal to the community like public lands.
How is this administration doing on public land and hunting? How is this administration doing on public lands and hunting.
Feel free to answer either question.

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I didn’t say which one you should vote for. That’s a personal choice. I asked which one of the options that we have now do you think would be better for the subject at hand.

I was focused on the topic, but you apparently have a different slant. So much for a public land discussion, I guess.
I see no slant, i have given no opinion except all choices wag the dog to appear to support whatever is currently carrying the votes.

When your best conversation piece is "what about the other guy?" That distracts from what should be the meat if the conversation-- these pros are important and should be supported -- these are the cons and support of these policies should be discontinued.

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What some see as off course, others see as straight to the point. What some fail to see relevant to the topic at hand, others see as mutual.

What Flak sees is that without reverence to a militia response, government will take as it sees fit. Both sides. Neither party gives one ounce about you or I. If their is no known perception of recourse, it’s human nature to take as you please. Disregarding that as political banter is foolish. Because history has always proven that to be true.

While this is not a direct debate on 2nd Amendment rights, it is most certainly a linked subject to the freedoms every citizens fights against with both established parties.

With no 2nd Amendment, there’d be no other rights to worry about in the function they were designed to work. There’d be no worry from the legislative branch of recourse from over step. And, there’d be no need for the judicial branch either. As the government would simply decide what the law of the land would be.

I find it amazing that people dismiss this. I find it stunning it’s become cool or normal to suggest pointing it out makes you a troll. And, I find it more stunning that so called hunters are willing to sacrifice these realities, as if the future of hunters to come, won’t be adversely affected due to that neglect.

That’s one more reason this administration offers zero threat to public lands. And, saying so doesn’t make it off topic.
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Nonsense. Any topic of discussion must dissolve into tribalism and we must discredit any logic if it comes from a person who has any thoughts that align with the wrong political party.
Not for me. I can play....I'm a pro constitutional conservative and would grade the administration with a C for public land receational use and and a B for hunting. I'd grade Hilary or Biden with a B in public lands and an F in hunting. I'm speculating with Hillary and Biden. As far as how the current administration is utilizing our public lands overall for the betterment of the country, I'd give them an A, because I think exploration, mining, deregulation is a good thing to the degree the Administration is doing. That's my opinion with my logic and I'm entitled to it just like you all.
That's a pretty narrow minded statement. Not that I want to see any more firearm restrictions implemented but Public Land has a lot more value than just shooting and hunting. Maybe not to you but there are a lot of people who enjoy things like backpacking, biking, hiking and fishing - who don't bring guns every time out.
None of these things are a constitutional right. Therefore, guns/ammo take precedence.
I swore this to myself before, not to get caught up in political threads that won't sway anyone's opinion on anything. My only statement is to be this:
First and foremost, the only thing that separates America from the rest of the world is our constitution. Without it, we are just another country. I will put it before my personal fancies of what would be best for MY wants and needs. When we forget where we came from we are doomed to annihilation. This makes things very black and white for me. You either support it or you don't. Trump isn't a constitutionalist, but Biden is far worse.
I get the gun concern, but i dont get why folks think it is the end all be all hill they are prepared to die on. Your speech is every bit as important in my view. If it comes down to brute force you lose that battle. Be realistic. Your armory of 6.5 wont cut it. Your free thinking, your free speech, that is how you will prevent it from coming to that. It starts with accountability, which i believe is where this discussion started..lets analyze and discuss so that we all may be more informed.

Rest assured aint nobody here tryna take yer gunz
Not for me. I can play....I'm a pro constitutional conservative and would grade the administration with a C for public land receational use and and a B for hunting. I'd grade Hilary or Biden with a B in public lands and an F in hunting. I'm speculating with Hillary and Biden. As far as how the current administration is utilizing our public lands overall for the betterment of the country, I'd give them an A, because I think exploration, mining, deregulation is a good thing to the degree the Administration is doing. That's my opinion with my logic and I'm entitled to it just like you all.
As far as the current admin, from what Ive read he does ok. I know his boys are big sportsmen so I hope that has some sway. Especially when Don or Eric run in 2024. As far as Hillary would have done? Remember how Bill and Al misappropriated excise taxes for wildlife conservation to their own interest. I don't see Joe doing any better, but will wait to see if he picks Harris for a running mate. Not that it will help.