I’m all for the 2nd amendment and enjoy my guns...I feel like when we tie ourselves to a single issue vote like guns, that’s when the politicians get one over us. They know they can say they’re pro 2nd amendment or pro-life get the votes then do whatever the heck they want. I want both, guns and protection of public lands.
Here is the truth about mineral development on public lands. Many of the mineral rights under public lands have been privately owned and, were never owned by the government. Do a little research and you will find that congress and the courts has been very clear that the federal government cannot stop a private owner from accessing those mineral rights if desired. I'm not going to provide that info for you. It is imperative for you to educate yourself on this one. Yes, they have and will put up miles of red tape and, do whatever they can in some instances to stop that development But, they cannot literally block the entity with refusal to grant access on the surface.
There are two main designation of public land in this country. One is the National Forests. One is lands managed under the BLM. The NF system sets under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture. The BLM is contained in the Department of Interior. Both now are mandated to be multiple use managed. Initially the USFS was developed and defined as lands collectively owned and managed for multiple use, by the citizens of the United States. The BLM was a federal government agency formed to manage lands the federal government retained after statehood development of many states. Its initial purpose was to provide resource leases, grants, and land sales based on local needs of the communities that surrounded those land bases. By promoting private entity procurement of resources on and under those lands. It has since been mandated to be multiple use managed. Which is very good.
This is a start for you to develop the education of these two land agency's and, their roles in management of the land bases under their jurisdiction. So, you can see for yourself exactly what this administration has done to not only protect but, to promote public lands under law defined jurisdiction. I could type 50 pages of why you need to do this. But, I'll summarize it all by saying if you do this. no one will be able to fill your head full of biased BS of threats we face in public land usage as hunters and fishermen under this administration.
BLM lands will continue to see mineral leases and extraction when markets present because that was/is their purpose. That is their sole reason for existence. You had better get used to land sales in areas around Vegas. Conducted by the BLM. Because by federal law, that is the role the agency plays. And, until lobbyist no longer affect federal policy, it's going to happen. However, what you don't have to worry about is this administration selling your National Forest land to their rich republican buddies. It will never happen. And, you have zero worries of this administration enacting a huge national monument on USFS lands. Which by statute, strips public input as mandatory for management. That last one in itself is a huge victory.
The point I am making is this administration has not strayed from the legally defined purposes of public lands. And, that is a great thing. Instead, it has only extended the intended use of these lands by honoring the federal definition of law that defines those lands. This is coming from a guy who spent 20 years working for government and private industry in responsible Natural Resource extraction on private and public lands. So, don't be fooled by the propaganda.