You know, I just received my first failed leupold (vxiii 2.5-8x36) bought second hand, it showed up with the reticle off kilter. I do not know the life it lived before I got it though.
Optics are a lot spendier up here for sure, then add 12% tax and usually crazy shipping costs (thanks to Trudy’s carbon tax). The only brand that I can see cheaper in the states is leupold ( on average, I could save upward of $500 on a used vx5 compared to buying used in Canada), any other brand seems to have a lot more value added to it over here.
The shv would be a great candidate, and have looked at them a bit, they can be had for a bit cheaper then the vx5hd, but lacks in a couple places for my personal preference, clarity, reticle, capped turrets. To jump into a nxs or nx8, puts it over the vx5 by a ways, plus added weight. The new model leicas, I have not seen up here yet, but am curious to see once they do show up. The swfa’s, we don’t see either, I wish we did.
Iv bought 1 vx5 ($2500 cad), which was pushing my budget on a scope by a lot. I personally don’t think I would spend that much again, only because I see the no added value for my uses.