Amazon Prime?

How is it different than any other service or product offered by any business? Every product/service is a money maker or the business would not provide it.
I prefer to spend my money on the actual product or service not the shipping. I doubt many spend more then $200/year on shipping. God help them if they do they have a shopping problem.
I read somewhere that prime isn't needed (lower 48). They spent so much time engineering and planning how to do 2 day shipping, that they cant selectively pick out 1 order out of 1000 that don't have prime and intentionally slow it down.

It kind of makes sense, although I know less than nothing about shipping and logistics.
I prefer to spend my money on the actual product or service not the shipping. I doubt many spend more then $200/year on shipping. God help them if they do they have a shopping problem.
You do know that more than shipping is provided with Prime right? Not saying it's still worth it or not, but it's more than free shipping.
You do know that more than shipping is provided with Prime right? Not saying it's still worth it or not, but it's more than free shipping.
What else is included??? Yet ANOTHER streaming platform for useless tv programming??? If so sounds like a much needed service in todays America.
Since you asked, here is a list:
Ummmm, the “much needed service in America” was HEAVILY laced with sarcasm. You an Amazon salesman?

FWIW i put Amazon up there with cellphones and social media as being things seriously eroding American culture. Some people (most actually) just can’t help themselves when it comes to showing some restraint with these things. I’d bet Amazon Prime has contributed to people buying billions of dollars worth of completely useless crap they don’t need. But hey, i got Prime so it’s a “deal”. Prime is only a deal for Jeff Bezos.
The Pros for my family
Free/Fast shipping. We live close enough to a delivery hub we can get some stuff next morning.
Amazon Video. I enjoy some shows on there and so do my kids.
Amazon Music we all use it.
The savings in gas and time. The times I head over to ACE, etc for let's say a sprinkler head and they are out of them is frustrating to say the least.
Free returns. I don't return much but my wife returns a lot.

Anyways, for us there is a considerable savings of time, money and a considerable convenience.
For us, variety has been one of the biggest drivers. Our dogs prefer a VERY specific brand of chicken jerky treat. We can get 1-2 options locally. We can get 6 options online. We have three local hardware stores plus a Lowes and Home Depot but a 10pk of quarter-turn 1/2" PEX ball valves is $29 online. That's a third of what it would cost to buy 10 of them locally. I built my daughter a display case for her 4H ribbons this past Xmas and used bulletin boards as the backer for them so the pins have something to attach to. I can get bulletin boards from Walmart but there were many dozens of options online so I was able to get the exact size and quality I wanted that way.

And time is a huge factor as well. I'm hourly. We have a Walmart less than a mile away and yes, I regularly walk there. But walking or driving, it still takes an hour by the time you get out the door, walk or drive there, find what you want, navigate the awful checkout process, and get back home and settled. If I can spend 5 minutes finding that item online then yes, it's actually profitable for me to do it that way.

We're a very busy family of 2 adults and 5 kids. It might seem like we're in some consumer-frenzy (packages always arriving) but realistically, we're probably buying exactly the same stuff we would have before in a few bigger shopping trips a month, it's just spread out into smaller purchases throughout the week. So delivery time isn't really impactful. We use Prime because it definitely saves us on delivery fees - our ROI is usually around June.

For those that are just fed up with Amazon and just prefer to pad a different billionaire's pockets, Walmart semi-quietly ramped up its shipping and delivery options and what's available online has almost the breadth of Amazon in many categories. In more rural areas like our homestead near Alamosa, it's been a good option for us because with no membership at all you can almost always get items shipped to the store for free even when they won't deliver to your house, and there are Walmarts everywhere.
Ummmm, the “much needed service in America” was HEAVILY laced with sarcasm. You an Amazon salesman?

FWIW i put Amazon up there with cellphones and social media as being things seriously eroding American culture. Some people (most actually) just can’t help themselves when it comes to showing some restraint with these things. I’d bet Amazon Prime has contributed to people buying billions of dollars worth of completely useless crap they don’t need. But hey, i got Prime so it’s a “deal”. Prime is only a deal for Jeff Bezos.

I was simply informing you of the services included in Prime (more than free shipping). Like I mentioned, I am not stating if it is worth the price or not, that is for each person to determine for themselves. I tend not to use all of the other services, and have gone back and forth on renewing a few times.
The free photo back up is a nice feature that most people don't realize exist. Unlimited gb for photo. We back up our cell phone photos so they're accessible anywhere even if you lose the phone. That's the main reason I haven't considered dropping the sub. Just be careful, it can get you in trouble if you have a pic on the phone you didn't intend the wife to see
Free shipping, free returns, not having to go to a store and waste valuable time ---- Ok try this, 20 minutes into town, 20-30 back (traffic), an hour or so walking around Wally World, Home Depot, Academy, etc., (we aren't fortunate enough to have Cabelas (ruined by BP anyway), Scheels, etc.), having to go to another store because you didn't find what you wanted, then another hour in TJMAXX, another hour in Marshall's, time in HomeGoods and Kirklands, uggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All that time, plus gas, plus people I don't want to deal with, plus wasted time in clothing/women's stores ---- That's a lot more than $200 per year. I can save money and stress!!!!!!!

Ama$%^& just took over for Sears and Wally World, not many, back in the day, complained about all the different entities of Sears, do you remember when? It sure beat owing to the company store all your life at "their" jacked up prices. (Anyone old enough to remember all that!!!!!!) Yeah, they complained Wally would move into a semi-small town, run out the local stores, jack up prices, but they still went. Wally could be where Am$%^& is, but they sat on their lorals while old Bezos set up his empire.

Now, I agree, you have to shop around, Am$%^& has higher prices on some things, we use Wally and Target (oh yeah, target can be a lot cheaper than the other two on some stuff). If you do all your grocery shopping at Publix, you are going to pay out the ying yang for certain stuff, it's the same as Am%^&*. Do your due diligence.
Also I am laughing about everyone who says they don't have prime but use their wife's account....are you also homeless, but your wife has a house so you just stay with her? I mean who in the heck would buy two prime subscriptions for one shipping address?

I'm pretty sure most everybody here only have one Prime membership per household.....

Let me guess. Do you guys wash your clothes in "your wife's" washing machine? Or do you have your own?

Well's meant to be understood. Go back and reread for context...
We steal my moms for Prime Video.

Outside of that, we just wait until we meet the 35 dollar free shipping threshold. There is an Ace and implement store a mile away that carries most everything we would need right away.
I still think its worth while. Saves me from driving all over town looking for something wasting time and gas while getting nothing but blank stares when I ask about a product.
I’m torn. But I will say I LOVE free no questions asked (for most part) returns. I arguably abuse this.

I ordered three pairs of golf shoes last month. Figured which one I liked best. Returned other two.

I’ve also bought 10 pairs of binos….compared…you get the idea.

I know that’s not nice….but I didn’t create the game…I just play within the rules. I get my $160 worth.
Ummmm, the “much needed service in America” was HEAVILY laced with sarcasm. You an Amazon salesman?

FWIW i put Amazon up there with cellphones and social media as being things seriously eroding American culture. Some people (most actually) just can’t help themselves when it comes to showing some restraint with these things. I’d bet Amazon Prime has contributed to people buying billions of dollars worth of completely useless crap they don’t need. But hey, i got Prime so it’s a “deal”. Prime is only a deal for Jeff Bezos.
You say in a social media post...
My wife uses Prime music and video streaming. Auto ship dog food and some other stuff.

I buy a ton of stuff for work and hobbies that either unavailable or WAY more expensive locally.

Lots of stuff shows up same or next day.

Is Prime "worth it"? Dunno. Don't care. It makes parts of my life cheaper and/or more convenient. So I don't mind paying for it.

I really don't care about Bezos or his politics.
You say in a social media post...
I’ve been in forums since before “social media” in its current form ever existed. And i continue to not have IG, FB, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Twitter, etc.

Notice i also threw the word “restraint” in there? Meaning i believe and most would agree there is a HUGE difference between a guy like me spending less than 5 min a day, if that, perusing an old forum VS spending 6 hours a day mindlessly scrolling FB, IG, etc looking for likes and meaningless posts.

Just like there is a huge difference between buying what ya need and blowing hundreds or even thousands on Amazon junk cause Prime makes ya think you’re getting a deal on stuff you don’t even need. Big difference between want and need and Amazon absolutely promotes people buying on want through brilliant marketing. So i smartly avoid it altogether and buy local, saved me hundreds of dollars a year no doubt.

So nice try Bucko. The “you’re on social media now” line is lame as hell. You go on Priming away, most Americans do. But alas, most do social media as well. Just cause evertone is doing it doesn’t mean it’s not a problem.
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I wish I used Amazon less, but it is often the better choice for lots of oddball items.
I do a lot of tinkering and fabricating in my shop, there have been many times where I ended up needing a specific sized screw with a specific thread pattern, or a forstner bit of a weird size...etc. My usual MO is to run to the local ACE hardware in town - no dice. Lets try Menards and Lowe's in the bigger town 10 miles away - nope. Get home, find it on Amazon in about 2 minutes - click- and its on the way, probably the next morning - free shipping with Prime.
I'd like to buy local, but it's much cheaper and efficient to just find it on Amazon to begin with most of the time.
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