Free shipping, free returns, not having to go to a store and waste valuable time ---- Ok try this, 20 minutes into town, 20-30 back (traffic), an hour or so walking around Wally World, Home Depot, Academy, etc., (we aren't fortunate enough to have Cabelas (ruined by BP anyway), Scheels, etc.), having to go to another store because you didn't find what you wanted, then another hour in TJMAXX, another hour in Marshall's, time in HomeGoods and Kirklands, uggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All that time, plus gas, plus people I don't want to deal with, plus wasted time in clothing/women's stores ---- That's a lot more than $200 per year. I can save money and stress!!!!!!!
Ama$%^& just took over for Sears and Wally World, not many, back in the day, complained about all the different entities of Sears, do you remember when? It sure beat owing to the company store all your life at "their" jacked up prices. (Anyone old enough to remember all that!!!!!!) Yeah, they complained Wally would move into a semi-small town, run out the local stores, jack up prices, but they still went. Wally could be where Am$%^& is, but they sat on their lorals while old Bezos set up his empire.
Now, I agree, you have to shop around, Am$%^& has higher prices on some things, we use Wally and Target (oh yeah, target can be a lot cheaper than the other two on some stuff). If you do all your grocery shopping at Publix, you are going to pay out the ying yang for certain stuff, it's the same as Am%^&*. Do your due diligence.