Is nothing sacred

This has happened to me as well, multiple times, but it won't keep me from helping someone.

Life is short, and you can't take it with you. Nobody's last words were ever "I'm glad I kept my spots to myself!"
Your totally right, being a Scrooge with anything is a lonely existence. When I hunt with others I think what I figured out is it's better to have equal footing on the preparation. I take it too personal when I put in a lot of time scouting and researching and then show someone who then shows someone else and so on. I'll keep those spots to myself for solo hunts and when I go with others we can either scout together or go in blind together and have fun either way.
I don’t agree with sharing spots In anyway shape or form. I think u are robbing people of the satisfaction of finding a bad ass spot with lots of game to chase. Accomplishing this for me was what hooked me on public land hunting.

I think people are just scared to fail, as most Americans they want success handed to them!!!! It’s a lot of money to spend to go west if u add up gear costs,tags..... I think people truly believe they should be successful based on the money they spend and not the effort put in. I personally don’t respect a hunter who shoots a 200” deer but someone found it for them. You might as well just go buy a replica mount of Popeye!!!

Most the great mule deer hunters I know don’t even want people to know they hunt mule deer or what trail head their wife drops them off at. I have seen people look for specific hunters trucks at a trailhead to try to find out where they hunt.
I think it's a combination of a lot of things that drives either asking for information or giving information. Many of these have been touched on already.

I believe the technology era has "ruined" many things "sacred", as the title states. Not because of information available, but mainly technology in the form of social media has created people who not only want but NEED instant gratification. Some will say "I just want to show everyone the cool things I am doing", but psychologists will agree it goes much deeper than that. It's instilled at a young age for those that grew up with it. But it is also not limited to millennials, as I have seen it more profound in older generations that feed on it as well. That social media NEED does not discriminate by age.

Some for the Instagram/Facebook photo opportunity, some for popularity, sponsorship/income, and some it's even deeper than that, they need it for their self-worth. In my opinion, too many people in our society would fall under this last category, and it's sad. I think this drives people to ask for the information because they have been able to easily gain things instantly on other platforms through search engines like google or youtube. As said a few posts above, they're afraid of failure or simply don't know how to fail and keep going because they have never had to.

I believe the folks that want to share "their" information openly with others on a forum, do so to gain credibility or the appearance that they're an expert. However, I was always taught that you gain more credibility by the questions you ask and not by how much you "tell"... I know this will ruffle some feathers as there has been many state "I want to help others succeed". I can appreciate that sentiment, as I do that for my job every day. There is self gratification that comes with helping another human being succeed. However, this should not happen over an open forum unless you have ulterior motives, such as trying to give the appearance you are the expert. This may even by at a subconscious level where you don't even realize it... We can see this all the time with what people share on Facebook groups; first example comes to mind is the FB post about the guy packing an elk out 20 miles one way in MT (was a thread on here a bit ago).

But at the end of the day, we live in free country so folks have the opportunity to do as they please. You can't censor their free speech, even if it impacts your "honey hole". Just as I have a right to my opinions above, they have a right to theirs and that's the beauty of America!
Spot-on Woodrow! SPOT-ON. Probably the best thing I have ever read here. Thank you.
This forum and ones like it are designed so people with common interests can share experiences and information on a subject. I am no psychologist, but for 90% of the people that come together here, it is just a pleasure to share and read what others have done or observed.
I am pleased for someone else's success and will tell you what I did that worked for me. When we write, it seems common for more experienced hunters have at some time made it clear that they have many seasons in the field and have learned what does and does not work. It is not merely to brag, but so you readers can determine the reliability of what is written.
Personally I like to see good honest debate on subjects, like calling. Your experience and perspective is often different than someone else's. You hunt different areas and maybe different times. Discussion and debate brings broader perspective. To me that is why we are here. It is not some psychological gratification for being able to show one's importance or the like. I am still learning and am willing to share. It is a give and take proposition.
BTW: I am in the mood to argue about calling elk. Where is Elknut1 this morning? 😀
It is funny how folks think that knowing what unit to hunt equals success or even seeing game. Talking about units and hunting is only the tip of the iceberg - lots of factors. We have a lot of big egos and money makers who tell folks where to go and no-one seems to blame them.

So we have the Rokslide folks, Elk Nut, On X, Eastmans, Go hunt, Randy Newberg, Muley Freak, Meat Eater, and who-knows how many other guys who make a living off the extreme sport of hunting out west. Eastmans have been known to skew the preference points for given hunt units when they make recommendations. Some guys have self-appointed themselves as experts, to represent the hunters and right or wrong, they represent you and me. One thing for sure is that they promote hunting and lure folks in - increasing the amount of tags sought annually.

Yet folks can't help some dude from say NJ with hunting a unit cause it will be the end of all things good - and people need to "earn" whatever they get. Some folks need to relax and enjoy life - you can enjoy someone else's success without having to compete over it.
I have no inclination to try and figure out why people do what they do or why they think like they do. I have seen others who do and say stupid things that not only affects them but the people around them. Social media like Facebook and Twitter are open forums to pour out one's thoughts true, but there are limits to what is posted there. However a website forum is a business. If there is content posted that erodes the ability of the business to make a profit, the business has every right to remove that content. It is not censorship! Case in point: John schmuck goes on a guided hunt on public land and takes a BC buck. Proud of his narcissistic self, he blasts the GPS coordinates over all of the hunting forums he can google. The outfitter is a sponsor of several of the websites.....
This forum and ones like it are designed so people with common interests can share experiences and information on a subject. I am no psychologist, but for 90% of the people that come together here, it is just a pleasure to share and read what others have done or observed.
I am pleased for someone else's success and will tell you what I did that worked for me. When we write, it seems common for more experienced hunters have at some time made it clear that they have many seasons in the field and have learned what does and does not work. It is not merely to brag, but so you readers can determine the reliability of what is written.
Personally I like to see good honest debate on subjects, like calling. Your experience and perspective is often different than someone else's. You hunt different areas and maybe different times. Discussion and debate brings broader perspective. To me that is why we are here. It is not some psychological gratification for being able to show one's importance or the like. I am still learning and am willing to share. It is a give and take proposition.
BTW: I am in the mood to argue about calling elk. Where is Elknut1 this morning? 😀
Swede, you make a good point. For sake of the discussion, I should clarify my comments further about sharing information. I probably should say "sensitive" information which can have a direct impact on the outcome, such as a specific draw in a specific unit that holds elk every year. That sensitive information can have a profound impact on others in that spot, the herd that uses it, etc and before long it is no longer useful.

You are correct about sharing information such as calling, tactics, techniques, gear, lessons-learned, and that is great because it allows an opportunity for a new person to learn from those much wiser than themselves, if they choose to listen... I believe that is the basis for forums such as this one. I by no means meant that anyone who shares these types of information is doing it for self gratification. If it came off as insulting, my apologies and I should have worded it differently. I believe those who share and discuss this info do it because they love the thrill of the chase and the sport and want to share that excitement with others. But then again, this part I would say is learning for a newcomer, they have to take time to read, discuss and listen. Entirely different than asking for a "location"...
But if you wanted to, for whatever reason, isn't that your right?
It is, but I dont think the issue we are discussing concerns if it's our right or not to do it. That answer seems obvious. We are discussing if it should or shouldn't be discussed,and in what circumstances and context.

It's not an absolute for me that I wont share, but not something I choose to do with indifference.

I've been burned, by friends and strangers. Take or tell a friend about a spot where you have never seen someone else hunt in years or ever, then see them there later with a truck full of buddies. And the slowly it gets more and more pressure and then you have to do go find another spot.

Solitude is right there with hunting quality.
I bird hunted a couple years with a friend. His rule was that I could not go to the public spots (mostly private land open to public hunting) he took me to without his permission first. It wasn't that they were his spots. He felt I needed to go out and develop an area so that when his spot had a downturn we could look at the spots I developed. It seems strange but it was a way of sharing knowledge. In the last 20 years it's turned out to be a good thing. We both have areas what we share.

Now, we have a buddy that, in 20 years, has never gone out on his own. The only places he hunts are the ones that we've shown him. He's contributed nothing to the group in terms of new areas. I frankly won't take him to the new areas I've developed. The days of driving and unproductive hunting just to find a little spot just isn't worth sharing with someone that won't give back.

Bird hunting on these lands is very different than big game. While someone would look at a map and say there's 100k acres to hunt the productive areas are much smaller than that. There are little honey holes tucked away in a back corner that you can't see from the road. I'll tell people what big game unit I'm hunting but that's as much detail as I'll give.
The guys I share info with all have a lot of drive to get it done with no quit, so I don’t mind helping them be successful. In turn they will share info with me. We are all from different states, but have one goal in mind. If I can help someone make a kill, I’m good giving them my spots. Life’s too short.
With the amount of hunters today , no public land "Honey Hole" is safe. I hunted an area I really like last year but hunters were every where. I just tried to out hunt them. The elk were all pushed onto private ranches. However, the wind blew out of the wrong direction for the entire week. I had to go find new country. Now I have a whole new set of spots. It is what it is. That's why it's called hunting. No location is a sure thing. Wind, rain, snow, drought, logging, fires, and now Corona. Got to adapt! Happy Hunting Guys!
The guys I share info with all have a lot of drive to get it done with no quit, so I don’t mind helping them be successful. In turn they will share info with me. We are all from different states, but have one goal in mind. If I can help someone make a kill, I’m good giving them my spots. Life’s too short.

I agree 100%. I have messaged several hunters about GMU 's I have hunted that have asked for information. I have spent quite a bit if time in a unit or two. One with a friend that has a cabin in it. I have found some areas with some impressive animals. So I have given hunters that have drawn that unit some great scouting info. At 60, I will never draw Unit 76 in Co . I met a Colorado local last year in the woods in the OTC GMU I hunt now and he is a brand new bow hunter. Great young man and I shared several wallow locations with him. I wish him the best of luck. He will have a three week jump on me and I just hope he scores on a great bull. However, I will not post the information in a general open forum.
If you know about it and someone else knows about it and it gets posted on the internet then how much of a honey hole is it really? There is two people who know about it. The guy posting the spot and the guy mad about it, so how many people really know about this honey hole? The odds would be dozens. I would argue on the contrary that if someone is posting it on the internet it was really never a honey hole to begin with....

This is a very ignorant response, and the root of the issue. There’s no reason whatsoever to post any areas online. What’s meaningless to one person might hold generations of memories and success for another. Learn it, earn it, or realize you don’t want it that bad.
This is a very ignorant response, and the root of the issue. There’s no reason whatsoever to post any areas online. What’s meaningless to one person might hold generations of memories and success for another. Learn it, earn it, or realize you don’t want it that bad.
If it has generations of memories a posting about it on the internet shouldn’t change that. Good grief. You don’t like spots posted on the internet? Then don’t read the internet and live in your fantasy land that you have a honey hole. Nothing gold lasts forever.