Is nothing sacred

How do you "develop" spots? I'm learning a lot here.

All anyone who thinks they have a "honey hole" is doing, is setting themselves up for eventual disappointment. What's funny is how they think nobody hunted that area in any of the other seasons when they weren't there.

With all the public land there is out there, how boring would it be to hunt the same places year after year. Life is short. Finding new places to hunt is what's "hunting" is all about.

For me I hunt both types of places, regular spots I know well and new adventure spots out of state every year. In state I have honey holes that I run into other hunters often in. That doesnt disappoint me at all, I wont share any information with them but I will wish them good luck and offer physical help if needed like an animal down. The OP talked about openly giving location on forums which is entirely different. I get really annoyed when I see this as well even though its never happen to "my spot". Its just flat out disrespectful to post locations on open forums because most of the time the more popular an area gets the less quality of a hunting experience you'll have in there for years to come. This happens all the time with every outdoor activity not just hunting. Ive seen local secret hot spring spots blasted on the internet turn into a circus with littered trash everywhere in a few short years.
How do you "develop" spots? I'm learning a lot here.

All anyone who thinks they have a "honey hole" is doing, is setting themselves up for eventual disappointment. What's funny is how they think nobody hunted that area in any of the other seasons when they weren't there.

With all the public land there is out there, how boring would it be to hunt the same places year after year. Life is short. Finding new places to hunt is what's "hunting" is all about.
Learned this about 30 years ago, hunting NF in Virginia/West Virginia.
My biggest success have come after I have helped others. Carma, good will, paying it forward or just being mentor to someone wanting to kill their first animal if you help some one you’ll get it back some way.

I swear helping others, picking up Mylar balloons in the woods and praying have preceded my harvest.

Needless to say I pray, pick up balloons and look to help people constantly lol

Set up a guy from here on my spot in the frank. Killed his first bull and was a great bull picks have been floating around on here. It was a great moment for me.

Be kind.

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Honey hole is a relative term. You guys making fun of it are just being pissy. Every one of you know what it means when someone says it.

I do not think anyone here truly believes no one else knows about "their" spot. No, no one believes we own it. However, for a period of time, someone may be the only guy hunting it. Its like a little treasure.

I do not share my info because no one else appreciates the time and effort put in to figure it out, and they will share it without permission. And, I want to continue to have the experience.

I have walked the same trails, the same draws and the same ridges that countless others do every year. Even while I'm walking. But, frequently I have found something that no one currently uses, or walks right on by. Im not going to come here and blab it all to everyone.

I view hunting success the same as I do life. The only difference between success and failure is hard work. Dont have regrets of not putting in the work!

Everyone here wants to hear about success and share in your pride of achievement. Dont think our lack of telling it all is a lack of support.
"With all the public land there is out there, how boring would it be to hunt the same places year after year."

I hunt the same places year after year because thats where the animals are.
I don't share my info because I never ask for anyone's info from the get go. I never wanted it and never will. There's a certain amount of pride when you figure it out on your own. A guy I worked with that harvested elk every year, and if he didn't, someone in his family did from this spot. They went to the same hole/mountain/ridge and waited for the elk to show up. I think they found an escape route and just waited until hunting pressure pushed elk their way. Super nice guy. He wanted to tell me the exact spot. He said you are more than welcome to hunt the same area. Tempting yes, but it didn't seem right to hunt his spot. Plus, I wouldn't have learned anything. The last statement is the salient point.

Now, if someone starts showing on a regular basis to my areas, sucks for me if the area suddenly gets pressured. It's all good on public land. I don't want it to happen but I expect it to happen eventually. There's a lot of smart guys/gals out there as this site has taught me. I have found some really good areas with boots on the ground using the quads god gave me and more time than I would like to admit looking a map/regulation/stats. No worries, I learned how to find spots, I'll find some more. Thus far, I mostly have the spots to myself, but I expect that to change eventually.
I have walked the same trails, the same draws and the same ridges that countless others do every year. Even while I'm walking. But, frequently I have found something that no one currently uses, or walks right on by. Im not going to come here and blab it all to everyone.

But if you wanted to, for whatever reason, isn't that your right?
I showed a good friend of mine a dynamite Muley spot on a small parcel of public land a few years ago. We had a verbal acknowledgement that it stays quiet and then he both shows people on a map exactly where it is and also takes a first time hunter there, where success was had on day one. Where do you think that first time adult onset hunter is going next year with his buddies?

That friend of mine who spilled the beans will never benefit from any of my scouting ever again. The hunting quality on that little parcel will collapse because of him, so he ruined a lot of good future hunting for himself because it wasn't kept sacred (sakret 😉).
I once had this honey hole that I pounded 3 to 4 times a week. It was amazing. I had some incredible times there. I would climb up on that honey hole year round. I’m sure others were hitting that hole but I didn’t care. But I did miss that hole when she moved away.

The moral of the story is that every honey hole is someone else’s hole now, in the past and will be in the future. There’s plenty of holes out there and sometimes you just gotta go find others.
I think there are two kinds of people in this world. Those who find something neat and want to keep it to themselves, and those who find something neat and want to share it with others.
"With all the public land there is out there, how boring would it be to hunt the same places year after year."

I hunt the same places year after year because thats where the animals are.
There is only ONE place with animals? If that's the case, they you'd better not tell anyone!
I showed a good friend of mine a dynamite Muley spot on a small parcel of public land a few years ago. We had a verbal acknowledgement that it stays quiet and then he both shows people on a map exactly where it is and also takes a first time hunter there, where success was had on day one. Where do you think that first time adult onset hunter is going next year with his buddies?

That friend of mine who spilled the beans will never benefit from any of my scouting ever again. The hunting quality on that little parcel will collapse because of him, so he ruined a lot of good future hunting for himself because it wasn't kept sacred (sakret 😉).
This has happened to me as well, multiple times, but it won't keep me from helping someone.

Life is short, and you can't take it with you. Nobody's last words were ever "I'm glad I kept my spots to myself!"
In my opinion the forum moderators should delete the posts "sharing" the location info and warn the offender. It is flat wrong no matter how you slice it. Sharing locations is not good hunter ethics nor does it promote fair chase. You have a fiduciary responsibility to the public, to the other hunters who use that area, and to the game that you seek, to keep your hunting locations confidential. If you have any self respect as a DIY hunter, you will scout your own hunt.

I'll share a great elk location with you. A high fence elk farm smack in the middle of the Gila. It's a 100% success rate. Huge bulls! They will even the shoot the bull for you, take pictures, process the meat, wrap it up nice, and send the cape to a taxidermist.
In my opinion the forum moderators should delete the posts "sharing" the location info and warn the offender. It is flat wrong no matter how you slice it. Sharing locations is not good hunter ethics nor does it promote fair chase. You have a fiduciary responsibility to the public, to the other hunters who use that area, and to the game that you seek, to keep your hunting locations confidential. If you have any self respect as a DIY hunter, you will scout your own hunt.

I'll share a great elk location with you. A high fence elk farm smack in the middle of the Gila. It's a 100% success rate. Huge bulls! They will even the shoot the bull for you, take pictures, process the meat, wrap it up nice, and send the cape to a taxidermist.

You work in finance?
I’ve only got one honey hole and she’s sleeping next to me every night, if someone shares that specific spot on the internet then we have a much bigger problem. Where I hunt, if I run into someone else there we will more than likely get along cause it’s absolutely zero fun to get into. It’s even less fun getting out of after being successful. I swear I’ll never do it again every time, but after 11 months of waiting I’m always ready to go back.
In my opinion the forum moderators should delete the posts "sharing" the location info and warn the offender. It is flat wrong no matter how you slice it. Sharing locations is not good hunter ethics nor does it promote fair chase. You have a fiduciary responsibility to the public, to the other hunters who use that area, and to the game that you seek, to keep your hunting locations confidential. If you have any self respect as a DIY hunter, you will scout your own hunt.

I'll share a great elk location with you. A high fence elk farm smack in the middle of the Gila. It's a 100% success rate. Huge bulls! They will even the shoot the bull for you, take pictures, process the meat, wrap it up nice, and send the cape to a taxidermist.
You summed it up in the first three words. ‘In YOUR OPINION’. Look I don’t like public posting of specifics either, but in this country people are free to make their own moral choices (within the bounds of the law and constitution). What you are advocating for here is censorship, in talking about deleting posts and warning “offenders”.
Residents usually don't say squat. It's the non-residents who don't get drawn and probably won' be hunting or be drawn again for a unit that let it all fly out. I have been lurking here a while because this site has "loose lips". A lot of it has to do with the idea that some folks want others to think they might know something about something. I wrote a story about hunting Merriam's in New Mexico. I linked it to a forum (not here) and had people asking me where to hunt turkeys. Think of all of the time and money people spend on scouting and it really isn't fair.
I agree I’m in NM and notice a lot of lazy