1. Western big game animals move. A lot. If you haven't looked at them before, do some research on the former elk and mule deer migration paths that used to encompass a huge swath of land in NW WY, SW MT, Idaho, etc... These traditional movements used to change a little every year, but profitable hunting ventures, ranches, and other changes to the environment have interruped or wholey changed some of the old routes.
2. What was a sakret, super secret, never had a hunter's eyes laid on it before, honey hole one day may be a desolate desert the next day. This is especially true after hunting season opens, and if there is intensively managed private land bordering the honey hole, good luck finding an elk or deer once the pressure on public heats up. They will hole up on the private never to be seen again until next season. This is why the rut is such a blessed time to hunt in Iowa.
3. Lots of people forget that, as a whole, the number of hunters in the US has been on the decline for a long time. Some folks should think about the legacy of our sport and whether or not their own selfish desires are more important than the future of hunting. When barriers for entry into Western hunting continue to increase, it is that much harder to recruit the next generation of hunters. As a NR going on my first hunt this fall, I have incredible appreciation for Rokslide and the willingness of most to provide information and support. I would never ask for unit numbers, coordinates, or specifics about anybody's lands. However, tactical support on gear, calls, etc..., is invaluable to newbies like myself. I hope that this information sharing doesn't stop and that this site doesn't die like others I've visited.
4. The guys complaining about honey holes must not go fishing too often. Most of the substance of this thread is an everyday occurence on public waters. If you don't like the crowds, adapt and find other places to catch "fish". When those spots become public knowledge, which they will, move on to the next place. Eventually the first honey hole may become hot again as people continually jump on the bandwagon.