Is it all Leopolds

I just packed a cow elk 2 miles down an icy road. I fell 4-5 times. Once was pretty official, with the barrel smacking me in side of my head. Not super fun.

I intend to check my setup soon. My rifle is carried in a Kifaru gun bearer.

Shit happens.
You clearly weren't practicing basic gun safety
Yeah once the animal is being packed out, rifle is unloaded and it's an artifact. No different than a limb from a tree or a rock in the road. This line of thinking is rather immature and ridiculous. It's just tit for tat at this point, guys acting like preschoolers.
I can't remember the last time I fell, but I don't think it's that often. I think a few decades ago. As someone mentioned, maybe some walk testing is needed. If you have issues walking, sorry, I don't mean to offend. Just a joke ... I've had friends who've had issues wearing bifocals. I don't have to wear glasses walking, so I'm lucky.

Fwiw, it's been decades since I fell snowskiing, too. But, I'm an expert skier who usually only skis on intermediates any more. I only have to keep up with my non-expert daughter.

As Clint says, a man has to know his limitations. ;)
Whats funny is they fact you guys try to make it normal to slip and fall all the time can't imagine falling down non stop like you guys just going for a walk in the woods. It's not that hard one foot In front of the next.....
Still waiting for you to tell me how basic gun safety can increase traction and prevent falls
Still waiting for you to tell me how basic gun safety can increase traction and prevent falls
I never said how you carry is going to increase traction... basic fitness that will help with that maybe go to the gym or try some body weight exercises Increase the strength of stabilizing muscles might notice a big difference if you are falling all over the place....really helped my grandma she was mid 90s though
dropping your rifle on a hunt it should go with out question to re check zero.and the fact that basic gun saftey easily prevents it. My children are apperantly less clumsy then most on this form.

the guys that preach about drop tested scopes i would bet money on it the 90 percent of there set ups wouldn't pass the drop test
Heres what you said, your words!! So is it basic gun safety or grandma exercises that prevent falls?!?!?
Heres what you said, your words!! So is it basic gun safety or grandma exercises that prevent falls?!?!?
Well crap i guess i kind of implied it prevent cracking your scope by how you carry it. I think the grandma exercise would help you though at least it sounds that way
Basic gun saftey will prevent you from hurting your rifle in the event you are extremely clumsy and fall everywhere you go hope that's a better explanation for you
No, still ridiculous. Are you really saying you've never fallen while hunting?!?!? And the only people who do are people who are out of shape and unsafe with rifles?!?! Cmon man!!! Take the L, get some help removing your foot from your mouth and move on!!!
With respect, regardless of scope, if that happens hunters have a responsibility to check zero if there's any question there may have been reason to expect loss of point of aim.

Weren’t you earlier in this thread saying that it didn’t matter if a scope lost zero very much-

What I shared has everything to do with a good shooter and a scope brand that has killed hundreds of millions of animals that may wander a bit one way or the other on paper but may not be relevant on a vital-sized target and a cone of fire in the field

So now it’s all about “respecting living creatures”? But I guess not enough to find out if your rifle system (including scope) shift zero? Or not enough to choose a system that has a lower likelihood of losing zero.

If that's beyond what folks can do, it becomes selfish and not respecting living creatures that deserve the best when we engage them.

But you are unable to draw the same correlation to say- use the scope least likely to inadvertently lose zero?

The cognitive disconnect…

Anybody disagree with that? That's a yes or no answer, do animals deserve the best we can give them when there's any doubt?

No. That’s the entire point of choosing to use aiming devices that work better at steering lethal projectiles.

And if a rifle suffers an impact does that create doubt?

Yes- if you’re using fragile items and haven’t done the work to know what should or should not cause a “doubt”. Just driving to and from the hunting lease should be causing doubts in people’s minds with most scopes.
Oh ok, we'll just change the narrative then since you cant back up your initial claim
Go read the quota again alittle better.

This is what it said

Archer86 said:
dropping your rifle on a hunt it should go with out question to re check zero.and the fact that basic gun saftey easily prevents it. My children are apperantly less clumsy then most on this form.

I said nothing in there it prevents you from slipping your a fool