Is it all Leopolds

After catching up on 5 pages, I quit reading.

The best and most reliable equipment especially if your man enough is a knife.

No chance of scope failure, no chance of a bad shot. It's the best for the hubting industry!
Knowing it wouldn’t hold zero
I never said that. I did have reservations after repeat offenses so I moved on.

Factoid: March scopes exist because short range benchresters were sick of sending failed Leupold Competition scopes back to Leupold for failing to hold zero. The failures happened with 10.5lb and 13.5lb rifles shooting a little 6PPC. Not exactly a taxing environment. The March’s for the most part fixed that issue.

Factoid: scope checkers came to be as a means to definitively check to see if your Leupold Competition scope crapped the bed.

There are just way too many instances of failed Leupold’s to say that they (or at least some of them) don’t have issues.

I like many have expressed would definitely buy one again if they come up with one that proves out over time. One looks hopeful but I’m not there with it yet.
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With all the talk for or against scopes, it surprises me almost nobody actually keeps track of small or large changes in zero, only saying it lost zero or not, and all by memory. With a clan assessed with 30 round groups and stating large groups statistics as if they apply to individuals, where are log books to track something as simple and important as zero changes. If a scope gets adjusted it only takes 60 seconds to pull a range notebook out and make a note.

I stopped using VX-2 Leupolds back in the 1980’s because the power selector cutout in the main tube didn’t leave a lot of material and rather small bumps would bend the tube. VX-3 and newer scopes are beefier around that cut, but they are still more likely to have issues so I’ve primarily shot fixed power scopes. If minor scope adjustments are all in one direction the scope tube is probably the culprit, while tracking or mount issues will ping pong back and forth.

Living in a windy state, I lost count off all the guys claiming their scope is off, when it’s simply changes in wind. I also have to wonder why so many scopes “fail” during a hunt, or while being carried from point a to point b. My guess is people don't pay attention as much as they claim, rarely shoot a rifle on paper so they are oblivious about the scope’s or mount’s reliability, and it’s simply easier to blame a number of evils on the scope. I bet half of the used rifles purchased over the years have either way too much torque or too little on the bottom metal screws, combined with crappy bedding.

Basically I don’t trust any scope/rifle so I simply track it in a $1 notebook and can’t imagine why so many folks try to rely on memory.
I think prs would be a lot more interesting if they did away with the zero confirmation at the shoot.

Run what yah brung, hit that plate. No practice/warm up, or checks. Just hit something, imagine that.
In fairness PRS embraces the fact that it's just an expensive game. The one to do away with the zero range would probably be better suited to NRL Hunter.
In fairness PRS embraces the fact that it's just an expensive game. The one to do away with the zero range would probably be better suited to NRL Hunter.

I'm looking at if PRS is going to be held as some sort of proving ground for equipment.

But yes, probably be more practical to the NRL Hunter shoots.
The mere mention of the word "Leupold" always provides entertaining/repetitive discussions. In reality this stuff really isn't that hard........

View attachment 795616
Need more info.
What muffler is on that Utv, that allowed you to sneak up on the elk?
Was it sleeping on the road?
Did you use the roof as a rest?
What cartridge/bullet did you use?
Your logic does make sense if you are telling people the scope won’t hold zero when you sell it. Maybe you did that, but I can’t imagine anyone would pay much for a scope that you advertise as not holding zero.
Dude, according to you and others leupolds hold zero and it’s a shitting shooting, different ammo, loose rings etc that dumb internet people don’t understand.

If I or Marbles are selling a scope because of our experience, have the factory repair or claim it’s with in standards the you and others should be confident in getting a deal on scopes you love and defend.

You can’t have it both ways, horns add zero credibility, and accusations of poor integrity is the ultimate defeat in an intellectual discussion.
Amusing progression.

If true, then the inverse must also be true, the person who bought the scope has no integrity because they took advantage of someone falsely believing the products are flawed..... Now it is starting to sound like buying and selling are not compatible with integrity.

Hell, perhaps giving them away is also an integrity violation and destructive disposal is the only acceptable course. Though, now we might be abligated to pass laws against them too.

Are we at the bottom yet?
If the scope is sold with full disclosure lie this:
Hey man. Leupolds are shit. It will fail and I don’t trust it. I’m going to give you a significant discount on it.

We al know that ain’t going to happen.

In all seriousness, if it’s that bad, please tell the person buying it why you are selling it.
I took the time to send each and every failed Leupold back to them to repair/check for failure. I sold them when they came back with full disclosure that they went to Leupold for issues/suspected issues. No one batted an eye purchasing one. Is my integrity gone or is it still okay? ;)
You notified. You are good to go.

Honestly, I expected this response from
Most. Why? One it’s the internet. Two I really hope most guys are honest. But, I know many won’t send it in and won’t notify the next guy there may be issues.
That would be good to go. You provided the documentation. Did you explain that they fail? And will fail and can’t be trusted? Did you take Pennies on the dollar?

I always try to sell
Something and I’ll take a massive loss if I need to.
I’ve sold items for deals and even given things away on this forum, and have donated to the classifieds.

I don’t recall what I sold them for, but it would have been for an excellent used deal for someone.
I’ve sold items for deals and even given things away on this forum, and have donated to the classifieds.

I don’t recall what I sold them for, but it would have been for an excellent used deal for someone.
I believe ya. All your responses here gave supported you being a solid dude. Even when you didn’t take same stance.

Now to find that 8x56