Iowa Spring Turkey


Jan 18, 2016
Hey guys is anyone familiar with non-resident turkey hunting in Iowa? I can’t find draw odds on the website and was wondering if you can draw with 0 points or not. Will draw an archery deer tag this year and want to hunt turkeys and scout out there. Bad planning on my part, but just curious if anyone is familiar. Thanks!
If you stay away from zone 4 you should have a pretty good chance of drawing. Not sure where you are planning to deer hunt

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If you stay away from zone 4 you should have a pretty good chance of drawing. Not sure where you are planning to deer hunt

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I’m planning on zone 6 deer hunt which (correct me if I’m wrong) is zone 4 turkey I believe. I’m new to Iowa draw so I have no clue how it works. Very familiar with western elk draws. Does Iowa work on the same process (tags go to highest point holders, random draw, etc.)? Thanks in advance!
I was able to find the draw odds for turkey on Gohunt.
Last year I tried to do the same as you but didn't get drawn so I didn't apply for whitetail last year even though I am sitting on 6 points.
This year I should be guaranteed to draw zone 4 with my 1 preference point.
I drew a couple years back with zero points, messed my spring plans all up as I assumed I would not
1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons usually have 100 percent draw and even leftover tags. 4th season usually takes a point where I apply. 4th has more demand because its much longer and usually a better time of the year to call lone gobblers