Interesting bench press data

I got that all the time (back when I was running in the mountains); be dodging rocks/roots uphill and downhill and you'd bump into someone and they would say "aren't you worried about knees" :ROFLMAO:
Haha it’s never the uphill that’s bad, it’s the coming down that always seems to bother my knees… (thank you trekking poles) why would they say that if you were running in clothes? Haha doesn’t everyone wear clothes to run?
Ha! Yes, not running without clothes. This happens if I'm walking around work in my running clothes, or stop by the breakroom to grab a drink after a run, people scarfing their lunches lob that in my direction, as if the real reason they didn't run was concern for their knees.
Ha! Yes, not running without clothes. This happens if I'm walking around work in my running clothes, or stop by the breakroom to grab a drink after a run, people scarfing their lunches lob that in my direction, as if the real reason they didn't run was concern for their knees.
I gotcha ya, yeah people get sensitive about those knees, same people are usually 50-60lbs overweight and don’t realize they are destroying them without doing anything fun lol
So I was in CO last summer hiking up a moderate 14er, I think it was 7 miles each direction and it was taking quite a bit out of me. There was a maniac that past me going both ways running it. I chatted with him for a minute and he said he runs up and back a few times a week to train for Iron man competitions. '

Ive done a half Iron man (just trying to finish not win) but have trouble imagining running even a few miles on flat ground over 10k feet.
Pretty sure those are aliens because it just seems impossible to run that altitude with incline for any distance. Yes there is a few easy access routes that people come to just for training, bunch of show offs🙂.

Anyone find data for bench press over the decades? I’m betting turn off the century and depression eras would be relatively low.