Ha! Yes, not running without clothes. This happens if I'm walking around work in my running clothes, or stop by the breakroom to grab a drink after a run, people scarfing their lunches lob that in my direction, as if the real reason they didn't run was concern for their knees.Haha it’s never the uphill that’s bad, it’s the coming down that always seems to bother my knees… (thank you trekking poles) why would they say that if you were running in clothes? Haha doesn’t everyone wear clothes to run?
I gotcha ya, yeah people get sensitive about those knees, same people are usually 50-60lbs overweight and don’t realize they are destroying them without doing anything fun lolHa! Yes, not running without clothes. This happens if I'm walking around work in my running clothes, or stop by the breakroom to grab a drink after a run, people scarfing their lunches lob that in my direction, as if the real reason they didn't run was concern for their knees.
Pretty sure those are aliens because it just seems impossible to run that altitude with incline for any distance. Yes there is a few easy access routes that people come to just for training, bunch of show offsSo I was in CO last summer hiking up a moderate 14er, I think it was 7 miles each direction and it was taking quite a bit out of me. There was a maniac that past me going both ways running it. I chatted with him for a minute and he said he runs up and back a few times a week to train for Iron man competitions. '
Ive done a half Iron man (just trying to finish not win) but have trouble imagining running even a few miles on flat ground over 10k feet.
So, are you a member of this elite club or no?
I have goal for my 40th birthday next year to bench my weight x my age. This year I only got 34 reps on my 39th b-day. I didn't have the grrr. I did on my 38th b-day. 165#. Last time I maxed (a few years ago) I was at 315#. My focus has always been strength-to-weight ratio with high level cardio.Everyone should be able to bench and squat their bodyweight at least 5 times. If you can't, you need exercise and to start winning the fight against food. 2.5 years ago before I blew my shoulder out pressing way too much, I could put up 225 for 28 reps. Max was north of 450. This was at a 220# bodyweight. Squat was always 315 x10. Never did max squats cuz my R knee is shot. I'm in my mid 40s now, everything hurts going heavy. Since things became injury prone, the loads have come down to no more than 315 bench/squat but do sets, and more volume of lesser weight.
How many elk have you shot in the last ten years?Everyone should be able to bench and squat their bodyweight at least 5 times. If you can't, you need exercise and to start winning the fight against food. 2.5 years ago before I blew my shoulder out pressing way too much, I could put up 225 for 28 reps. Max was north of 450. This was at a 220# bodyweight. Squat was always 315 x10. Never did max squats cuz my R knee is shot. I'm in my mid 40s now, everything hurts going heavy. Since things became injury prone, the loads have come down to no more than 315 bench/squat but do sets, and more volume of lesser weight.
7 elk, more deer than I can count. I'm in the gym for 11 months of the year, that other month is hunting. I don't put nearly as much time in elk hunting as I want too. Unfortunately I usually only get a week to 5 days for dedicated elk. With my work schedule, I'll only get a max of 2-3 weeks to hunt our 5 week season.How many elk have you shot in the last ten years?
I had to laugh at that! I like to kill stuff and lift weights. Those are way easier to do than be a good spouse, good father, mentor, provider and accountable friend.Wait, now I'm confused, is manhood measured by lbs benched or elk killed?I'm pretty sure I'm lacking in both.
I wouldn't say manhood is measured by Ibs benched but knowing you might be the strongest in the room definitely help's. lolWait, now I'm confused, is manhood measured by lbs benched or elk killed?I'm pretty sure I'm lacking in both.
Wrong its measured by how many elk you can bench!Wait, now I'm confused, is manhood measured by lbs benched or elk killed?I'm pretty sure I'm lacking in both.
Sounds like with your shoulder and knee that heavy weight might not be the way.Everyone should be able to bench and squat their bodyweight at least 5 times. If you can't, you need exercise and to start winning the fight against food. 2.5 years ago before I blew my shoulder out pressing way too much, I could put up 225 for 28 reps. Max was north of 450. This was at a 220# bodyweight. Squat was always 315 x10. Never did max squats cuz my R knee is shot. I'm in my mid 40s now, everything hurts going heavy. Since things became injury prone, the loads have come down to no more than 315 bench/squat but do sets, and more volume of lesser weight.
Could, but I'm not making any bets on fights base on that factor alone and false confidence tends to get one in trouble in the context we appear to be talking about.I wouldn't say manhood is measured by Ibs benched but knowing you might be the strongest in the room definitely help's. lol
Wrong its measured by how many elk you can complete a backpack Turkish get up!
To understand ones limits one must push themselves to find it. We all know strength only goes so far in a fight and the only true winner of any fight are the spectators.Could, but I'm not making any bets on fights base on that factor alone and false confidence tends to get one in trouble in the context we appear to be talking about.
Also, I associate bravado with boys, not men. If the fight matters, I'll stand me ground even knowing I'm probably going to loose.
I hope to be man enough that if the fight doesn't matter, I'll walk away from it, even if certain I would win.
I think Herschel Walker or Walter Payton would say it's measured by a steady diet of pushups and hill sprints.Wait, now I'm confused, is manhood measured by lbs benched or elk killed?I'm pretty sure I'm lacking in both.