Insomnia cures?


Sep 29, 2021
Anyone else really struggle with insomnia? Anyone take any medicine for it? I usually use melatonin and valerian and advil pm when its really bad. But Im really getting tired of not sleeping well.
Trazadone. Ambien.

Definitely a step up with those.

I'm assuming you have researched sleep hygiene.
You should research sleep hygeine.

Listen to Andrew Hubermans podcast on sleep.

Stop taking melatonin.

Stop all caffeine 12 hours before bed.

Work out your body and your brain each day.

If all that doesn't help, I have heard good things about Trazodone bad things about Ambien.
Trazadone didn’t help me at all, it made me incredibly drowsy the following day. Dangerously drowsy. Supposedly cbd helps. I know another veteran who works out and eats gummies and he sleeps pretty decent. Unfortunately I haven’t found much for me yet.

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Luckily I don’t suffer from insomnia, but I am very caffeine sensitive and I also had a hard time initially getting to sleep.
The keys for me are this. Diet. I went clean several years go and that has probably been the biggest thing for me. I eat a healthy diet with no processed stuff, very little sugar, and try not to eat anything within a couple hours of going to bed. Second was cutting out alcohol. This one was huge for me. I never realized it, and even told myself before that a drink before bed or late in the evening is what helped me sleep. Nope. If you are a caffeine addict like me, you may be way more sensitive to it than you realize. If your delivery mechanism is coffee or tea, get decaf. Don’t have to cut caffeine out of your life, but what I do is have a strong caffeine boost when I wake up in the morning, but then successive drinks are decaf. Don’t have ANY caffeine beyond late morning or lunch time. If you drink sodas, stop. Seriously, they are not good for you, but if you do, think about stopping but at least find some no caffeine sugar free version of your favorite and start weening off it. Same with energy drinks, stop them, they are horrible for your health and as you get older they can be down right dangerous.
Check your blood pressure. Hypertension can cause you not to sleep. This was a contributing factor for me for a long time. I ignored pretty high blood pressure for years, and I now have a mild aeortic aneurysm because of it. Luckily for me it’s not bad enough for surgery, but at 46, it was the wake up call I needed to “get right with the lord” about my health and lifestyle choices.
Seriously though, these things have really helped me. I know it sounds so cliche, and I would have eye rolled to it a couple years ago, but a healthy diet and daily exercise really are the keys to improving your life.
I used to take melatonin and occasionally ibuprofen PM to knock me out. Both of them made me feel really drowsy the next day, which just perpetuated the cycle. Now, I rarely take anything to sleep, but I do have some magnesium threonate. If I find myself having trouble sleeping, taking two of those an hour before bed knocks me out, and I don’t feel drowsy the next day. There was a doc on Rogan a while back talking about sleep and that was one of the supplements he had recommended. It seems to work for me.

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As mentioned above about Huberman, LOVE his podcast. I'm a huge proponent of mineral supplementation if you're not getting it from your diet, a humic/fulvic blend, or just simply magnesium will do absolute wonders. As always though, you need to find quality supplements. Also, quality sleep is more than taking magic beans.

I've struggled with insomnia for a long time. That, plus sleep apnea, have made things pretty rough that past several years. Some things that have helped the insomnia include cutting out all caffeine at noon, no food or drink within a few hours of bedtime, going easy on sugar or alcohol, and no phone or tv within an hour or so of bed. Also, if you can't fall asleep, don't just lay there awake getting worked up about it. Get up, go to a different room and read a book until you feel sleepy. Then go back to the bedroom and try again.

I've tried melatonin, CBD oil and doxylamine (Kirkland sleep pills), all with mixed results. Tried Ambien and my body didn't respond well to it at all. Trazadone has helped me the most. It knocks me out and I don't feel too drowsy the next day. It wish it was more of a slow-release though. After about 6.5 hours it starts to wear off and I start to wake up again.
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What works for one person may not work for another but, I find Kirkland sleep aid sold at Costco works for me, that and grabbing a book to read.. I don't know that it helps me fall asleep faster but, when I wake up during the night I fall back to sleep faster.. Doxylamine Succinate active ingredient.
1. Have a routine
2. No phone in bed
3. Wake up the same time every day, preferably early
4. De-stress your brain. Write the things stressing you down so you don't ruminate on them
5. Lots of exercise so you are tired

I think very few people actually need drugs. If you do these things for 3-6 months and the insomnia persists it may be time to consider them.
Cut caffeine out completely after noon, work out hard each day, eat a decent diet. Only a small percentage of people will actually do these three things, but it would cure one hell of a lot of problems (including insomnia) if people did.
I am a sleep walker so I started taking Ambien 10 years ago. It works great for going right to sleep and staying asleep for a few hours. The downside is that it is habit forming which I don't like.
I too have struggled with insomnia. If you are looking for something to take - you are looking in the wrong place. I'm not trying to be clever. Honestly, the cure is in you. Study sleep function, sleep habits, and the recommended approaches as advised by sleep therapists. It's a combination of mental and scientific. You need to reset your mind and body clock, and then sleep will be delivered to your doorstep each night. You just need to learn how to receive it. Be disciplined about your approach, and in a couple of weeks, you will likely be sleeping better than you ever have been. Good luck!