
Jan 31, 2022
That is what I associate mine with, usually have plugged sinus's at the same time that it is most intense, mostly in my left ear, just a high pitch squeal. Yep, too many rock concerts, some were definitely hard on the ears. Firearms all my life, and yes, "plug your ears kids". How the hell do they dilate the Eustachian tubes?
They go in through your sinuses with a rigid balloon that they inflate. Had sinus surgery at the same time so I was under while it happened.
Fowl Play

Fowl Play

Oct 1, 2016
I have constant ringing as well. 29 Palms is the ammo dump of the US Military. It sounds counterintuitive to tell this to a board of hunters, but we were on more than a few occasions after a CAX, completely exhausted firing off rounds of ammunition. Just like everything else in the Marines, we did it until it was no longer fun, and then we did it 8-12 more hours after that. I dont know why exactly these rounds had to be cooked off, but theyd send us out with a 5 ton full of 50 cal, 556, mk19, m203 rounds and we couldnt come back until they were gone. The ammo just kept coming.

I also shot a Hoyt the first 5-6 years of their carbon bows. So its 1 of those 2 things that destroyed my hearing.
The rounds were cooked off because of the belief that if you didn’t use up your entire budget for rounds the unit would get less funding next year… one of many of our wasteful spending practices. Not directed at you as I know you’re not complicit lol can’t imagine dumping that much ammo with no earpro though.
Fowl Play

Fowl Play

Oct 1, 2016
Pretty much a constant ringing for me. Small engines and duck blinds to blame.
Same. Can’t hear my duck call well with Earpro in. I spent quite a bit on the OTTO in ears this season and was slightly disappointed in them on my last turkey hunt (first real hunting situation testing them out). My slate and box calls were loud enough to trip the hearing protection to dull the sound, took like 10 seconds to go back to normal, in which time the gobbler would respond and I couldn’t hear the damn thing. Wouldn’t have even realized there was a gobbler within 100 yards of us, responding to my calls, unless my hunting buddy was with me.


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
First saw the Dr. back around 2010ish. Saw some results within two months on taking them.

Start with the NAC first to see if it helps alone. Add the complex in afterwards, it’s just a supplement. My terrible science explanation of this is that it makes the cilia in the inner ear stand up instead of lay down.

I barely notice my tinnitus anymore unless I do something really stupid. I also take better care of my ears than I did when I was younger.

I'm a sucker, both "meds" are on the way.


May 17, 2024
I've about 90% loss in both ears...with tinnitus it pushes to about 97% loss...
The white noise the audiologist can put into the hearing aids dies help "MASK" the tinnitus while wearing them...but boy..when you pull them from the ears at night it sure tells you what tinnitus sounds like.....mine screams...so many different volumes and tones it nerve racking....
While I was proceeding to get hearing aids I asked the Dr about what causes can trigger hearing loss....
Loud noises....
Continuous noise....
Sudden extreme noise....
Concussions....damaged nerves cells in the head and neck....
So I asked about concussions and tinnitus in relation to suicidal tendencies and actual suicide....and two of the Dr confirmed this.....the other declined to answer....
So I guess the film that Will Smith was in fighting for professional football players links to concussions and suicide isn't that far off.....it may just be another hidden norm...but it was definitely something the NFL didn't want to admit..

So..I can remember serious helmet to helmet hits growing up....neck injuries...
...I just dont recall when the actual tinnitus ringing started....but it doesn't matter now....it's here til the end..
Fowl Play

Fowl Play

Oct 1, 2016
It was just what everyone did back then. I don't remember ever seeing anyone wear ear pro when I was a kid. My right ear got really messed up when I was about 14. My dad and I were walking in to check out a spot during shotgun season. I was about two steps ahead of him and a couple feet to his left. A nice 8pt ran right up to us. We both pulled up our guns and completely missed him at maybe 30 yards. My ear was almost right next to the muzzle of my dad's gun when he shot. It felt like someone shoved an ice pick in my ear. I thought it was bleeding. Ever since then, my right ear has never been the same.
Similar story for me when I first noticed mine started. Was probably 15 duck hunting with a friend and his buddy who was very new to hunting. Buddy got super excited tracking a crossing bird and swung the gun dangerously out of his zone. Discharged with his muzzle about a foot from my face and directly in line with it. Picked up a small permanent ring after that. Just been slowly growing in volume ever since.
Jan 8, 2024
East TN
There is also a thing called melodic hallucinations, or what is known as ear worms.

This also has something to do with hearing damage.

I hear calvary horns at night periodically for a few weeks every few months. Sometimes it is classical music.

My audiologist told me it is a normal part of hearing damage. She also said that if you are hearing music that has words to it, you should see a psychiatrist.
Woah. Never had anyone explain this. Thought i was going crazy. Like legit woke up in a cold sweat thinking i was hearing things and my wife had no idea what i was talking about. Mine sound like either a distant train horn or calvary horns.


Jun 9, 2021
South Carolina
68 and never had it till just over a year ago when I fireformed 60 pcs of brass. I had moved from a small 3 port brake to a big 5 port and didn't dbl up on ear protection. Constant ringing since that day. I now use a suppressor but the damage is done.
Brakes are sent by the devil


Jun 9, 2021
South Carolina
Woah. Never had anyone explain this. Thought i was going crazy. Like legit woke up in a cold sweat thinking i was hearing things and my wife had no idea what i was talking about. Mine sound like either a distant train horn or calvary horns.
I hear ringing, bells, drums and horns.
How loud seems dependant on noise I've been exposed to recently and my salt intake.
Little Ceasars pizza will make my left ear go wild within 20 minutes.