Insights into western states' future minimum caliber regs?

Alpha Echo

Apr 6, 2022
United States
I’ve heard Form say, as part of the discussion around the benefit of smaller calibers for big game hunting, that most states’ regs seem to be trending towards smaller calibers. With that in mind, and me having fully bought into the benefits of smaller calibers based on recoil and impact spotting experience, I’m curious to hear whether anyone has insights as to whether any western states that currently have a 6mm minimum are considering dropping down to 22 caliber for all big game.

If I understand correctly, WY had actually lowered the requirement to currently be 22 for deer and antelope, but still requires it for elk (can’t recall of top of my head where bear sits). Seems like Utah may have also moved from 6mm to any centerfire?

Is it likely WY will allow 22 caliber for all big game species? What about states like CO that require 6mm across the board for all big game species?

I'm cognizant that there are many Roksliders who are involved in, or have their fingers on the pulse of, their state wildlife agencies, so any insights are appreciated!
I just looked up the WY regs for S&G's. My jaw dropped a bit.

Section 4. Firearms, muzzle-loaders and cartridges that are legal for the taking of big or trophy game animals.

(a) For the taking of bighorn sheep, elk, moose, mountain goat or black bear by the use of a firearm, a hunter shall use:
(i) Any center-fire firearm of at least .24 caliber and firing a cartridge of at least two (2) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet, or any other cartridge of at least .35 caliber and at least one and one-half inches (1.5) in overall length and using an expanding point bullet; or,
(ii) Any muzzle-loading rifle or any muzzle-loading handgun of at least .40 caliber and firing an expanding point bullet or lead ball and using a charge of at least fifty (50) grains of black powder or its equivalent; or, 32-1 32-2
(iii) Any shotgun firing “00” or larger buckshot, or a slug.

(b) For the taking of antelope, deer, mountain lion, or gray wolf where designated as a trophy game animal, a hunter shall use:
(i) Any center-fire firearm of at least .22 caliber (excluding .22 Hornet) and having a bullet weight of at least sixty (60) grains and firing a cartridge of at least two (2) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet, or any other cartridge of at least .35 caliber and at least one and one-half (1.5) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet; or,
(ii) Any muzzle-loading rifle or any muzzle-loading handgun of at least .40 caliber and firing an expanding point bullet or lead ball and using a charge of at least fifty (50) grains of black powder or its equivalent; or,

So they'll allow buckshot out of a shotgun, but not a .223 centerfire for all big game species? Maybe there's some historical reason for that, but man, this makes me hope WY gets with the program and allows .223 across the board for all species.

Maybe some RS WY residents can help move the needle with the WGFD.
Washington's department has proposed this to the commission over the last two rulemaking cycles and it has gone nowhere. I am still hopeful, but not optimistic.
CO won’t change, hell be lucky if they still have guns and hunting in next 10 years
I have the same concern regarding CO, it's really sad to see what's happened to that state. Definitely highlights the importance of all sportsmen being proactively involved/vocal in state and local politics.
I just looked up the WY regs for S&G's. My jaw dropped a bit.

Section 4. Firearms, muzzle-loaders and cartridges that are legal for the taking of big or trophy game animals.

(a) For the taking of bighorn sheep, elk, moose, mountain goat or black bear by the use of a firearm, a hunter shall use:

(i) Any center-fire firearm of at least .24 caliber and firing a cartridge of at least two (2) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet, or any other cartridge of at least .35 caliber and at least one and one-half inches (1.5) in overall length and using an expanding point bullet; or,
(ii) Any muzzle-loading rifle or any muzzle-loading handgun of at least .40 caliber and firing an expanding point bullet or lead ball and using a charge of at least fifty (50) grains of black powder or its equivalent; or, 32-1 32-2
(iii) Any shotgun firing “00” or larger buckshot, or a slug.

(b) For the taking of antelope, deer, mountain lion, or gray wolf where designated as a trophy game animal, a hunter shall use:
(i) Any center-fire firearm of at least .22 caliber (excluding .22 Hornet) and having a bullet weight of at least sixty (60) grains and firing a cartridge of at least two (2) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet, or any other cartridge of at least .35 caliber and at least one and one-half (1.5) inches in overall length and using an expanding point bullet; or,
(ii) Any muzzle-loading rifle or any muzzle-loading handgun of at least .40 caliber and firing an expanding point bullet or lead ball and using a charge of at least fifty (50) grains of black powder or its equivalent; or,

So they'll allow buckshot out of a shotgun, but not a .223 centerfire for all big game species? Maybe there's some historical reason for that, but man, this makes me hope WY gets with the program and allows .223 across the board for all species.

Maybe some RS WY residents can help move the needle with the WGFD.
I don't see WY changing. The WYOGA (WY Outfitters and Guides Assoc) have a lot of say in this state. With many of them outfitting in the western half of the state, with a large population of G-bears, they love large calibers.