Insight on new kifaru frame?

Spring is less then 4 weeks away. Pre-order possible within a few weeks means you won't see the frame in anyone hands before the end of March at best. This is just my guess. But, pay attention to what the people at Kifaru are saying. They are telling you what to expect. It's gonna be a bit more wait.

You gotta hand it to Kifaru. They not only make great pack frames, they know how to sell them too.
If they will be ready for presale in a couple weeks, where are the specs on it. How come there isn't anything on their website about it? Ready to pull the trigger on an EXO but want to see what this new frame will be.
I emailed Kifaru because I wanted to get a new frame for a bag I picked up on here to use for the bataan death march at the end of March. I asked if I could pre-order the new frame and if it would be in by that time and was informed they were sure it wouldn't be available and shipped to me by the time I needed it. They also told me there would be no pre-order list.... Don't know what to do, order a new old frame or wait for the new ultra light frame and make due with my current pack for now.
I understand marketing hype, but who pus out info with no firm release date and keeps people in limbo......was going to wait for this, but I guess just need to move customer won't matter, but man, seems like a botched release of what I am sure will be a great product from Kifaru, who produce excellent gear.
I understand marketing hype, but who pus out info with no firm release date and keeps people in limbo......was going to wait for this, but I guess just need to move customer won't matter, but man, seems like a botched release of what I am sure will be a great product from Kifaru, who produce excellent gear.

When did “they” put out info? I was in their shop last week and asked about it and it didn’t seem like they were marketing it at all yet and were unsure of exactly when it would be finalized.

I’m interested too but I’ll just wait until it’s official from the company.
Did anybody ever stop to think that maybe the new frame wasn't meeting the kifaru standards? And they weren't going to release junk like kuiu.

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I am of the thinking that yes, Kifaru takes the time to make sure they nail it the first time. But don't pretend they aren't revelling in the hype and Buzz. They have a completely captive audience, many who have probably sold their only pack already. They know exactly what they are doing.

Great products. Great service. But not the only game in town.
When did “they” put out info? I was in their shop last week and asked about it and it didn’t seem like they were marketing it at all yet and were unsure of exactly when it would be finalized.

I’m interested too but I’ll just wait until it’s official from the company.

Mentioned on Podcast, pics on social media...take your pick.
I understand marketing hype, but who pus out info with no firm release date and keeps people in limbo......was going to wait for this, but I guess just need to move customer won't matter, but man, seems like a botched release of what I am sure will be a great product from Kifaru, who produce excellent gear.

Optics companies are good for that. Hell the whole firearms industry does it alot. I have learned to not hold my breath on release dates slot of times even the pre orders show up months later than expected with a multitude of gear.
I'm not a marketing person so I don't pretend to know the macroeconomics of pre-release filtering of information. Teasing out the soon-to-be-released product. In one sense, I can see where it would stop the purchase of existing products dead in their tracks. People want the latest and greatest.

However, as has been illuminated above, you can also have dedicated customers reach a level of frustration who simply walk away or are lured by a competitor. You can dangle a carrot on a string only so long before you begin to alienate some of your customer base.

Companies need to properly manage customer expectations to create win-win situations.
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wonder if they have any new bags coming out with the new lightweight bikini 2 frame? Or are they focusing on small urban ruck type packs and huge cavern type packs?
Kifaru has done no wrong or misled anyone. They have all along said a spring release date. Spring encompasses the last week and a half of March, all of April, all of May, and three weeks in June. It's a three month season, like all other seasons. They have gave hints to help build hype but, have done nothing to turn off customers to other brands. They can't manage individual emotions and actions.

This new frame is not a replacement. It's an alternative. If someone sold their old frame to buy this one, that decision is on them. If someone is growing tired of waiting, it is because they have took the meaning of spring and fit it to match their desire. Not go by the calendar that defines spring. As stated above, many people have not bought products waiting on the new release's for the year. No one wants to stop that bleeding more then Kifaru. Keep things in perspective men.
I'm not a marketing person so I don't pretend to know the macroeconomics of pre-release filtering of information. Teasing out the soon-to-be-released product. In one sense, I can see where it would stop the purchase of existing products dead in their tracks. People want the latest and greatest.

However, as has been illuminated above, you can also have dedicated customers reach a level of frustration who simply walk away or are lured by a competitor. You can dangle a carrot on a string only so long before you begin to alienate some of your customer base.

Companies need to properly manage customer expectations to create win-win situations.

Kifaru packs aren't like flagship bows where they release every year. I applaud any company waiting until the products are ready. I'd think they are further ahead this way than releasing something they aren't sure about and having it impact their reputation and lines for the next 3 years. Not to mention dealing with warranty or retrofits to existing product they never planned on servicing again. I think a lot of people forget how small a lot of our favorite companies are.

Maybe they would be better off never announcing what's in the pipeline until its ready to keep people happy?
It will be released soon, this was on facebook 7 days ago. I'm guessing March 5th

Aron SnyderGroup Admin Not sure on the tarp, but we should have the frame up for pre sale in the next couple weeks.
Yeah but if they didn't announce a new pack was coming you would get a bunch of guys complaining that they "just ordered a pack a week ago" and wished they would have known a new one was coming.
Yeah but if they didn't announce a new pack was coming you would get a bunch of guys complaining that they "just ordered a pack a week ago" and wished they would have known a new one was coming.

YUUUUP! You can't make everyone happy. Some of these comments crack me up.

It is very common, if not 100% practice, for brands to leak info that new stuff is coming. I cant think of one single time anything launched and the first time I heard of it I could place an order. Car manufacturers, electronics, airlines with new destinations, etc., all do it.