Insight on new kifaru frame?

Any more info on whether a new frame is coming soon?

Seems they have already made the change on how the bags are attached so if I were to order say a woodsman it would come with the new load lifter style attachment?
Any more info on whether a new frame is coming soon?

Seems they have already made the change on how the bags are attached so if I were to order say a woodsman it would come with the new load lifter style attachment?

That is probably a question for Kifaru to answer
The pod cast said he was gonna release it in a couple weeks. Hopefully any day now

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That is probably a question for Kifaru to answer

I agree, was going to call kifaru but realized they had closed about 15 minutes prior to when I had some free time. Will call Monday and post here if I get any pertinent news. Was hoping to order this weekend.
Any more info on whether a new frame is coming soon?

Seems they have already made the change on how the bags are attached so if I were to order say a woodsman it would come with the new load lifter style attachment?

Attachment points are purely gonna depend on stock, so that could change pack to pack and even color to color. I personally wouldn't care either way as I have never seen any issues or signs of wear in that area and I have used my pack virtually every day for 2 years for cardio.

As far as the frame, pure speculation here but I'd guess 1-3 weeks.
Right, I have collected everything new/used on here that I was wanting, but waiting for the new frame to come out to complete the setup.
I just bought my tactical frame last year. I hope the new one sucks. Just kidding, but i will just stick with my tactical frame for now. Buy once cry once my ass

Think this is it? Hard to see from the picture, but I came across this and thought it could be a prototype.

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From that picture it looks nice. I like the way the shoulder pads appear to be secured from lateral movement with the multiple horizontal straps.
They have teased out on the podcast that the smaller frame comes in under 3lbs. 2lb 8oz to 2lb 10oz range:

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Not sure if they are already trying to close out the existing hunting frames or not but Ive had one in my cart for a couple weeks now and the price dropped $40. I may have to pull the trigger....
Not sure if they are already trying to close out the existing hunting frames or not but Ive had one in my cart for a couple weeks now and the price dropped $40. I may have to pull the trigger....

Negative. My understanding is the new frame will just be a new option. Not a replacement.

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Emailed Kifaru regarding the new product line up yesterday. Dayna replied quickly with the below text:

"Hey Mat,

We do have a new frame coming out, but no specific date. Hopefully within the next couple months. I'm not sure what is on the agenda for accessories or packs. We are working on some lighter stuff, but again I don't have any specific dates on anything. It's all depending on finalizing the design and getting everything made and built. I'm really sorry I don't have any more information for you. It shouldn't be too long and most of the stuff will be out by spring."

Not sure this actually helps with anything but that is the information I received. I have been looking to add a meat hauler/day pack to my arsenal for this upcoming elk season, but recently pushed the pause button after I heard on the Kifarucast they may have new offerings soon.