For you folks that have already had the new frame for a bit and packed weight in it(50+lbs), does it make a lot of noise? Like squeaks and rubbing while hiking? My 2015 version tactical duplex makes enough noise that people hiking with me can hear it from 15-20 feet away. It drowns out all sound for me while in the woods on the move. Usually only with heavier loads though. The only way I have found to reduce it is if I tighten it down so much to a point I am cutting off circulation to my arms. I don't use it much anymore and find myself using the bikini frame I have. I am thinking that without the pads that wrap around and Velcro between the shoulder straps that my dilemma may be solved with this newer frame. I ordered one, just curious what you all have been experiencing with it. I am to a point where nothing can be worse than my tactical duplex. I wish I had kept my earlier tactical frame from before the 2015 version. And yes I have spent hours adjusting and messing with the frame to try and find a better fit without the noise while hiking.