Inguinal Hernia


Apr 19, 2012
Sharpsburg, GA
I have been getting in shape and buying new gear for my elk hunt for the last year. My DT2 came in the other day along with some other gear I ordered. My bow is tuned and I am shooting great. I am so excited about the hunt its driving my wife crazy. Then out of the blue an inguinal hernia shows up this past Thursday and now I am pretty low and pissed off. I hope this will not keep me from going. I have an appointment with the Doc this week to see what he says.
Has any one ventured into the backcountry with a hernia?
Hope the doc will give you the clear to go. I've had a couple friends get a hernia opperation in the last few months and get put on light duty for a few weeks. One of my friends thinks it got aggravated while we dragged bucks up to the truck last season. Hope the upcoming appointment with your doc goes well but don't overdue it and push it off too long. Having a hernia drop you down out in the boonies while hunting does not sound like much fun either.
I ended up with an umbilical hernia earlier this year, or at least that is when I noticed it. I went to the doctor in February and he said that I should get it fixed (that is what he said he was supposed to tell me, but that was no guarantee that it wouldn't show up again). He also said that if I was careful, that I could live with it. Since I am heading to backcountry Alaska soon, I did not want to risk that. I ended up having surgery about the 20th of April and was back to walking with in a few days and then lite lifting with 10 days. After 30 days, I was good to go. Mine ended up being small enough for a few sutures to solve, no mesh needed.

I do know that a hernia can be life threatening under the right circumstances so you do need to be careful about ignoring a doctor's advice. I'm glad that I did what I did, but I also knew that I had time enough to work my way back into shape.
I had an inguinal hernia repaired about six years ago. I had no pain to speak of after the procedure. The doctor told me to take it easy, but IIRC, I was doing sit-ups with no problems in about a week, and it really didn't affect me that much.
First the good news, I had an IH and still did residential construction and all of my hunts for years with no issues at all, I was just aware and protected it, so if it's not bad you should be fine.

The bad news, an 80 lb pack and a little stumble and you could rip it open to where the intestine is sticking out to where it could strangulate, not good and very dangerous!!

You are in a predicament! you probably will never get it scheduled, done and healed for this years elk hunt, only you can make the choice to go on your backpack hunt.

I had an IH about twelve years ago and had them only stitch it up with no mesh and was good to go, I thought! Last year the other side herniated so I went in to get it checked out to start the process of getting scheduled, much to my surprise the Doc said the old hernia was starting to come back as well and then he topped it off by saying I also had an umbilical hernia as well! March 3rd I had a triple hernia surgery!!! My T2 was delivered on march 10th all I could do was look at it!!

Like tstowater I was also back to doing many things in 4 weeks but I was not to do any crunches or sit up type exercises until 6 weeks time.

I am curious tstowater did your stomach scar bother you for a long time after? like when you hiked with a pack? my scar is right where the darn pack buckle can rub it and only now after5 months is it getting to be not so sensitive.

I would suggest getting your IH done Laproscopic and with mesh for sure! and make sure you talk with the surgeon and tell him to please be extremely careful with the Obturater nerve, my left testy hurt for 6 wks, NOT GOOD!! All better now but I have read some horror stories!
I am curious tstowater did your stomach scar bother you for a long time after? like when you hiked with a pack? my scar is right where the darn pack buckle can rub it and only now after5 months is it getting to be not so sensitive.!

Now that you ask, I would say the the scar was quite noticeable until very recently. To begin with, it was very much in the way and made it difficult to cinch up a pack. Crunches were definitely difficult to begin with. Hard to believe how much you use your core in everything.
The urgency of the repair probably depends on the side and size of your hernia and if it's direct or indirect.
I would suggest you go to a surgeon who does a LOT of hernias and ask him what procedure would be best.
The internet is probably not the best place for you to decide what procedure is best.

I had a direct inguinal hernia, left side, appear on July 4 of last year. About the size of half a golf ball. I delayed treatment until after I backpacked the High Uintas later in July, elk hunted Wyoming in September and hunted whitetails from October until Jan. Then one week after the season closed I had it repaired. Open procedure with mesh. Recovery was a piece of cake. Walked two miles day after surgery. Never had pain but I followed Dr's directions. Basically no increasing abdominal pressure so no lifting for 4 weeks. No big deal in Jan-Feb. The only exciting moment was taking that first dump. Whoa! I would suggest some stool softener or Metamucil immediately after surgery.
The only exciting moment was taking that first dump. Whoa! I would suggest some stool softener or Metamucil immediately after surgery.

You got that right, I thought I was going to bust a stitch!! LOL

+1 on the core muscles, since I have been focusing on them after the surgery I have felt a beneficial difference in other muscle ailments that I have had for years.
I just got back from my primary care and she confirmed it is a hernia but a small one. She would not give me any advise for my up coming trip. Told me that would be up to the surgeon and I cant get in to see him until the 8th. I guess until he tells me I shouldn't go I will plan on making the trip. If he says its a no go I will have it fixed as soon as possible so I can start training for next year.
I know a couple of guys that have gone a year without surgery but they are not carrying a pack and going up and down mountains in the middle of nowhere. The thought of my guts coming out is really scary. So it will be up to God and the surgeon if I get to go this year.
I had an Inagural I got from the gym in 2010 I pushed out surgery as long as possible probably 6 months still worked out and everything just had to keep an eye on it. It was protruding but never came completely through set my surgery for the wifes birthday (witch she wasnt too happy about) I wasnt able to go back to the gym for 3 weeks and was on light duty for a bit. They put the mesh in the area of the hernia and also the other 2 common spots to have one. I would say if you can bear it and take care of it push it out till after your hunt. I have a buddy of mine who wore a special set of compression boxers that held his from popping out when he was getting ready for a BB show and couldnt afford to take any risk of missed time from the gym. Most medical supply places carry them and also carry the compression bands if to hernia is in the abdomen