Image stabilizing binos vs Alpha Glass?

My apologizes for going on a tangent on this thread but you have both the NL 12 and NL 14s. I recently got the 8s and the 14s. I went back and forth between the 12s and the 14s. I was just wondering if you had any insights on the 12s compared to the 14s. The 14s aee unreal but just curious if other experiences with both.
I think you made a great choice going with the 14s over the 12s, especially if your intent is to pair them with the 8s. Like I mentioned, I think the 12s are as close as anything to a perfect do it all/stand alone bino. But they absolutely have their limitations. There are plenty of times I’ve wished they had a little more reach during use on the tripod or handheld better while on a stalk archery hunting for example. The 8/14 duo I would think would cover a lot of those gaps and I eventually plan to pick up a pair of the 8s myself for that. Right now, those Sigs are doing a good enough job at the same things I’d want the 8s for that I am holding off. Super interested to hear your experience with that combo though.
I think you made a great choice going with the 14s over the 12s, especially if your intent is to pair them with the 8s. Like I mentioned, I think the 12s are as close as anything to a perfect do it all/stand alone bino. But they absolutely have their limitations. There are plenty of times I’ve wished they had a little more reach during use on the tripod or handheld better while on a stalk archery hunting for example. The 8/14 duo I would think would cover a lot of those gaps and I eventually plan to pick up a pair of the 8s myself for that. Right now, those Sigs are doing a good enough job at the same things I’d want the 8s for that I am holding off. Super interested to hear your experience with that combo though.
Thanks for the response. The more I have used the it is more clear how different an optic they are. I do think that the 12s would be to close in function to the 8s. I was glassing a little yesterday evening and was blown away by the resolving power of the 14s. Then I would put the 8s up to my eyes and would be just as blown away by the ease of use, edge to edge clarity and depth of field. I have yet to use them hunting or scouting but after each use I am more satisfied with my choice.
Thanks for the response. The more I have used the it is more clear how different an optic they are. I do think that the 12s would be to close in function to the 8s. I was glassing a little yesterday evening and was blown away by the resolving power of the 14s. Then I would put the 8s up to my eyes and would be just as blown away by the ease of use, edge to edge clarity and depth of field. I have yet to use them hunting or scouting but after each use I am more satisfied with my choice.

My hunting partner has the 12's and there have been several times that we ended up using my old Meostar 15's over the 12's because we couldn't tell how big bulls were, what looked like a OK branch bull with the 12's turned into a 6 point bull with the 15's. Lots of other places the 12's were better to look though due to the increased FOV and depth of field. IMO the 14's are the best of both worlds, the only way I would buy a 12 is if I planned on using them on a tripod often and on a tripod the 14's are better. IMO neither are great for hand holding but both are fine for quick looks at stuff.

I'm very happy I decided on the 14's over the 12's even though they cost a few hundred more dollars.
I have owned a few IS Binoculars and one Alpha. With the exception of 10X42L, optics in Canon IS binoculars are nowhere close to the optics in Alpha. In 10X30 and 12X36 I have owned, the optics were pretty average.
The image stabilized are definitely not a substitute for alpha glass on a tripod. However flatland elk hunts/ rutting mule deer the image stabilized is better.
I wanted to like the Zulus. Nothing is cooler than hitting that switch and have everything just settle right in. BUT, using them in the field I just could not get used to the shape, the ergonomics, the sight picture, or the lack of detail I was so used to with my Alphas. I’ll be one of the dinosaurs and stick with my NLs or the like.
Interesting discussion here. I've become a glass snob but would be super interested in comparing the Sig Zulu HDX 14x50 to my beloved Swarovski EL SV 8.5x42 for treestand hunting whitetails. For me, the EL 8.5 represents the least amount of compromise of any optic for this setting (brightness, magnification, DOF, FOV, ergonomics, etc.).

I know if I wait long enough Swaro or Leica will release an IS+RF bino.
Planning to pick up the 14 NLs. Keeping my 10x Vipers until I can add a 8 or 10x RF/IS bino.

Interesting discussion here. I've become a glass snob but would be super interested in comparing the Sig Zulu HDX 14x50 to my beloved Swarovski EL SV 8.5x42 for treestand hunting whitetails. For me, the EL 8.5 represents the least amount of compromise of any optic for this setting (brightness, magnification, DOF, FOV, ergonomics, etc.).

I know if I wait long enough Swaro or Leica will release an IS+RF bino.
For the Whitetail woods, don’t you think the image stabilized 14 X would be a bit much power and narrow field of view? They do have a 10 x 30 Zulu 6
Planning to pick up the 14 NLs. Keeping my 10x Vipers until I can add a 8 or 10x RF/IS bino.

For the Whitetail woods, don’t you think the image stabilized 14 X would be a bit much power and narrow field of view? They do have a 10 x 30 Zulu 6
Yeah I'd probably be disappointed with the FOV on both.
The guide I hunted with in Canada had the 16X SIG IS.

Optical experience: C+

Spotting bucks from standing position: A

He found one buck from a standing position that I had to use a tripod and a Swaro' STC to find.

IMO, IS is niche, but they do work.