If You're Wanting to Come Hunt in Montana.....

From Bugle Mag Jan/Feb 2021

NR tag revenue is 6 to 1 vs resident revenue in Colorado. Big number!


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From what I see we’re in wait and see mode as to whether the bill will make it out of the committee, and how the senate may vote. I think the status can be checked here, but others may have more insight.
They did not vote. It also wasn’t killed on the spot. Seems on track to be amended and brought back to committee or for a vote.

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I do not support SB bill 143. I look at this bill in a hypothetical way. My best friend and hunting buddy is my youngest son. Some day after college Dylan will go out into the job world that will either keep him here in Montana or move him out of state. There are the come home to hunt tags, they are not always available, I believe first come first serve. My oldest boy was born out of Montana, moved out to make a better living. We are seeing more and more of our children move out of Montana because they cannot afford to either here or they cannot pass up the opportunity at a great paying job. SB 143 at 60% of 17000 is 10200 tags go to outfitters leaving a pool 6800 tags to family, friends and DIY hunters. I love having my family & friends come to hunt with me. So now even at the 17000 tags they are not guaranteed to draw. I can't agree with that, it pisses me off and it is greedy. I own a archery business that pays for my habits of hounds and bow hunting to pay for just my hunting and give back to the hunting community in a lot of different ways. I also work a regular job to pay the bills. So many of the outfitters are really good friends of mine also. I think it great have the vets in the bill, but the was a ploy to make a bad bill look good. What will this do to our Block Management land, that is what bothers me most about this bill.

In the last session there was a bill that limited DIY houndsmen from coming to montana also, limiting those to 35 total, friends and family to me, another MOGA bill.
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And now this. Essentially removes the requirement of 2 sportsmen from the Board of Outfitters, allows for little or no record keeping, little to no enforcement of authority for game wardens without there being a complaint from the "Board of Outfitters" better known as MOGA. Basically, the guides want no oversight and don't want the hassle of having to keep records.

If this doesn't outrage every Montanan I don't know what will....guides just want to do whatever they want, screw everyone else.


I found this on HT, thanks to that poster for putting this out there!
And now this. Essentially removes the requirement of 2 sportsmen from the Board of Outfitters, allows for little or no record keeping, little to no enforcement of authority for game wardens without there being a complaint from the "Board of Outfitters" better known as MOGA. Basically, the guides want no oversight and don't want the hassle of having to keep records.

If this doesn't outrage every Montanan I don't know what will....guides just want to do whatever they want, screw everyone else.


I found this on HT, thanks to that poster for putting this out there!

Is there an actual bill number?

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The Senate Fish & Game Committee just passed SB 143 on party lines and advanced the bill to the Senate floor.... vote count below:
Sen. Hinebauch (R) - Yes
Sen. Blasdel (R) - Yes
Sen. Ellsworth (R) - Yes
Sen. Hertz (R) - Yes
Sen. Brown (R) - Yes
Sen. Keenan (R) - Yes
Sen. Howard (R) - Yes

Sen. Jacobson (D) - No
Sen. Cohenour (D) - No
Sen. Flowers (D) - No
Sen. McClafferty (D) - No
They did. Newberg says they are complaining over how many emails they got. “I just deleted 4000 and don’t want anymore!”

Well folks that should fire you up!

Screen shot:


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The Senate Fish & Game Committee just passed SB 143 on party lines and advanced the bill to the Senate floor.... vote count below:
Sen. Hinebauch (R) - Yes
Sen. Blasdel (R) - Yes
Sen. Ellsworth (R) - Yes
Sen. Hertz (R) - Yes
Sen. Brown (R) - Yes
Sen. Keenan (R) - Yes
Sen. Howard (R) - Yes

Sen. Jacobson (D) - No
Sen. Cohenour (D) - No
Sen. Flowers (D) - No
Sen. McClafferty (D) - No
Encouraged to see some bipartisanship
Can’t believe a bunch of republicans voted for welfare.

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I laughed out loud at the reciprocating thought...
Can’t believe a bunch of democrats voted against welfare!!!
Its all about the money! Outfitted hunts “should” generate more revenue (taxes) for the state
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