If you were moving west, where would it be?

For me it's an easy answer......NEVADA! But I was born and raised here. Plenty of small town or the big city. Great hunting,fishing and easy access to Arizona, Utah,Idaho, deep sea fishing in California. Heck this year I am driving to Montana for a buck and bull combo hunt. I have never gone one season with out hunting.
I never expected to get this number of replies! I'm digging the opinions. I am a very social person, although not a typical bar scene guy, I don't mind hitting one up every once in awhile. College towns are another thing to consider to help with the social aspect.

I have considered bouncing around a bit, if I could get a steady income, doing the Arizona lifetime license, then moving on. Oklahoma is like that with the lifetime hunting/fishing license. It cost me $775 but is good no matter what. Granted we don't have any public lands compared to any western states and private permissions are getting worse.

As for what I like to hunt... Everything I could have an opportunity at, except I've never been really attracted to wing shooting. I, currently, just hunt Whitetail, hogs, turkey, coyotes, and small game. I am headed to WY in a few weeks to do some scouting for an upcoming antelope hunt, which will be my first hunt out west.

My main concerns are employment vs cost of living, which is why I am waiting til I'm debt free.
Hawaii... it's a "hot" real estate market and it's "growing" daily. New land available every minute.
Ak anywhere really, or Wyoming think the Cody area would be pretty amazing or look at the Afton Thayne area
Ehhh pretty familiar with it and I guess from
Your perspective I would be part of the problem (another damn Californian) (and i totally understand) I actually enjoy the benefits of a larger community. I like having good restaurants, choices in schools, diverse populations, etc. and of course plenty of Starbucks coffee :)
I very much enjoy all that boise still has to offer. It is actually very high on my list. I would really love it if my son goes to school there and plays baseball for boise state. They will have a baseball program again after more than 20 years without. Pretty cool place to go to school for sure either way. If baseball doesn’t happen for him in college he may still end up there.

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We’re glad you like it.... we don’t
Just another person from CA wanting to move to Boise for it to be more like California
We’re glad you like it.... we don’t
Just another person from CA wanting to move to Boise for it to be more like California

It is very frustrating to have people move to your city/state/country and bring their failed policies with them, the very same reasons they are fleeing their failed policy state.
Maybe start spending a lot of time looking at job postings throughout the Western states -sign up for notifications through Indeed etc and get a feel for what’s available. I lucked into a fairly decent transitional job when I moved to The Western Slope, but it still took over a year of living here to land a “real” job