Idaho Sheep Results

Well, Looks like I'll be going sheep hunting.
One of my buddies just called me and he can hardly talk, he's so excited that he finally drew his long sought after bighorn tag.
So, I'll be tagging along.......

Hell ya!
Well, Looks like I'll be going sheep hunting.
One of my buddies just called me and he can hardly talk, he's so excited that he finally drew his long sought after bighorn tag.
So, I'll be tagging along.......


That is almost as good as your own tag. I always keep a couple weeks of vacation hidden just in case I get a call like that. Awesome!

No tag for me.
Talking with my Son this morning about our unsuccessful draw results, and still just the daydreaming and watching YouTube sheep hunt vids for the last months has been a great time. Thankful for the chance to dream about it. Maybe, I'll just do some pretend scouting and have the fun of getting out and see them. So thankful for good glass as my old legs really appreciate that LOL