Idaho NR general tag going to draw?

They have zero incentive to change anything. They already sell out fast. On the other hand, finding a way to change it and accomplish that is going to be hard to do. Plus there will be just as many disappointed people or more anyway.
I liked the one guy who had serioussss concerns and reservations about going to a draw and kept having oneeee more question. You go dude keep it the same🤙
I think they are going to have a hard time making the outfitters whole (happy). You never know, they may put something together and choose not to implement it. Just listening to a couple of the commissioners, I’m not convinced they are on board.
Interesting discussion. I wonder what will happen. I would bet nearly anything, however, that Idaho will never go to a point system. They were wise to avoid that in the 90s. Doing so in 2025 after watching other states’ point creep outpace our national debt would be foolish.

The point system will go down as the greatest debacle in the history of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.
They are definitely going forward with the draw, at the end, the one commissioner asked for some clarification of what they were approving, and it was clear the process is going to be developed, and then sounds like would come back to the Commission for approval to implement. But they are definitely going to develop the draw with their "3rd party vendor". Seems like a few of the guys on the board, shared concerns about not letting this devolve into the Resident tags and leave Idaho an "opportunity state".
As the Idaho population continues to skyrocket, the mule deer herds will not be able to sustain unlimited resident OTC. There are a few ways this could be addressed- more units one-by-one could convert to limited entry. This has been a good remedy for units that have converted. The OTC tags could also be made unit specific and capped, as the NR system does currently. If the NR “OTC” tags are switched to a draw, it is only natural that future capped resident tags would as well. One way to limit demand of capped tags is to sell them before the OIL and 1st draw period and prohibit OTC tag holders from applying for limited entry hunts. The system currently does not allow OIL applicants to apply in the 1st draw (deer, elk, pronghorn) period. This has increased OIL draw odds. Idaho OIL doesn’t have the problem that Oregon has where, due to there being zero opportunity cost, everyone and their mother applies for goat and sheep.
I'm assuming the outfitter gets preference over NR's?!? Are the NR's that put in for that unit drawing dead if the outfitter is applying for the same unit? Just curious.
Outfitter tags are from a different pool of tags. You're reading too much into it

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NRs won’t accept a lottery. They’ll need something for their contribution, and that’ll be the start of it, unfortunately.
Hasn't stopped them in Nevada. At all. Even with their stupid point system it's basically a random chance draw with those squared bonus points. NR will have 3 chances as I see it to draw. First round which will take care of all the high demand units. Any tags under applied for or leftover will go into a second draw like Nevada does. Then the third chance will be controlled hunt draw. They'll get 3 chances at drawing tags if need be.

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To recover the budget loss for eliminating non resident tags would probably be under $250 total for resident for both deer / elk.

Quick cost break, definitely missing some stuff but how much more could it really cost?

Elk tags 12,815x652-‎ = 8,355,380

Licenses totals 12,815+14,000+1500‎ = 28,315

License cost 28315x185‎ = 5,238,275

Deer tags 14,000x352‎ = 4,928,000

Deer tags 1500x352‎ = 528,000

8,355,380+5238275+4,928,000+528,000‎ = 19,049,655

19,049,655/200,000‎ = 95.24828

$95 more per resident if 200,000 residents are buying tags
Ok, genius, let's break it down for you. Last time Idaho talked about raising prices $5 for hunting licenses people lost their damn minds. You seriously think they're going to jump from $30 to $250 for a tag and be ok with it? What are you smoking? You certainly don't speak for the great majority of Idaho hunters who don't want to spend a penny more now for tags than they did back in 1988.

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I once told my wife that I want my headstone to read “**** your point system and the white horse it rode in on.”

She told me “No.”

Then I asked her if we changed that one word to “screw?”

She still said “No.”

I am currently still trying to find a way to leave an everlasting impression of my hate for point systems on this world.
You have one of those memorial benches put on one of the trails. Backrest on it would say "point systems are for losers " seat would say "if you like point systems you can't sit here" . Still kicking yourself for not buying your lifetime tag? Lol

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I think it will be interesting to see where the drawings odds fall. Also, in Idaho there is a wait period of a year if you draw any antlered tag in the controlled hunts. I wonder if that would be applied to the general season drawing as well. If so, it will become impossible to hunt Idaho in back to back years. At best you would be able to hunt every other year.
Most of the general tags are either sex for archery, so I doubt you'd see waiting periods for those. Rifle tags may be different, since they're mostly antlered only. Lots more rifle hunters though, so it may actually increase their odds of drawing one.

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theres this religion here in Idaho for residents that believe theres actually bigger deer in otc units than in controlled units. Its called Robby Denning. Ignorance is bliss
Robby doesn't elk hunt. Try again.

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I don't see a problem with that. And either would anyone with a friend or someone here to do it for them. Got to make friends.
I have a feeling the ones who are complaining the loudest about in person sales don't have many friends

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As the Idaho population continues to skyrocket, the mule deer herds will not be able to sustain unlimited resident OTC. There are a few ways this could be addressed- more units one-by-one could convert to limited entry. This has been a good remedy for units that have converted. The OTC tags could also be made unit specific and capped, as the NR system does currently. If the NR “OTC” tags are switched to a draw, it is only natural that future capped resident tags would as well. One way to limit demand of capped tags is to sell them before the OIL and 1st draw period and prohibit OTC tag holders from applying for limited entry hunts. The system currently does not allow OIL applicants to apply in the 1st draw (deer, elk, pronghorn) period. This has increased OIL draw odds. Idaho OIL doesn’t have the problem that Oregon has where, due to there being zero opportunity cost, everyone and their mother applies for goat and sheep.
Not all new residents are hunters. On the contrary, most of them aren't. You want to alienate yourself with your neighbors, tell them you think they should only get to hunt one unit and can't hunt anywhere else. We don't need anymore LE units for deer or elk.

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Not all new residents are hunters. On the contrary, most of them aren't. You want to alienate yourself with your neighbors, tell them you think they should only get to hunt one unit and can't hunt anywhere else. We don't need anymore LE units for deer or elk.

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A lot of them are hunters. The number of resident hunters has increased greatly in recent years.

There is often a difference between what one wants and what should be. I personally would prefer that resident OTC mule deer remain as is, but the herds cannot withstand it.
I mean, we could just ban nr hunting. Would solve the tag issue. If non nr can get a tag, they can't complain about it not being a fair system if there is no system for them...
(This is satire, ID does need the NR tag money that is brought into the state. )
Ok, genius, let's break it down for you. Last time Idaho talked about raising prices $5 for hunting licenses people lost their damn minds. You seriously think they're going to jump from $30 to $250 for a tag and be ok with it? What are you smoking? You certainly don't speak for the great majority of Idaho hunters who don't want to spend a penny more now for tags than they did back in 1988.

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I wouldnt support $250 resident tags but to have zero price increase in recent years with the ridiculous inflation we have is not sustainable. Prices need to increase for everyone, certainly for NR more than residents though. How much is enough/too much for residents? Idk but it needs to be more than $0.
I apply out of my home state each year and have no issue with those tags being MUCH more than the residents pay.
Outfitter tags are from a different pool of tags. You're reading too much into it

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Just a FYI. for the last 3 years I have waited in line with Idaho outfitters to buy tags, they were there to buy additional nonresident elk/deer tags. I chatter with both I had met and asked them about the tags. Both mentioned the that the tags they were allotted by IDFG would not support their business or families. So, they sold nonresident elk/deer hunts with a guaranteed tag.