Idaho draw results 2023


Jan 2, 2019
Boise, ID
How would a state implement a point system based on the number of tags/applicants? Would it just be for that hunt code? What happens as tags are reduced or applicants go up? Do those that have points just get theirs tossed?

The argument you just made is the exact same one that was made 30 years ago when these systems were created. “You will draw in 5 years and be guaranteed a tag.” Tell that to the guys that have max points and are still waiting.

There is no perfect system that will work for everyone and every situation. That’s called life.

The bottom line is this. Point systems don’t fix a damn thing and only cause more problems. Points are participation trophies.
Preach it brother. Preference points is a pyramid scheme…nothing more and nothing less.



Oct 22, 2017
I understand not wanting points and point creep. Selfishly, I wish Idaho did have points. I would have better odds of drawing premier tags in my home state at some point in my lifetime. Sure, everybody has equal odds in the system now. But why should a stone mason I know have drawn a mtn goat tag, moose tag, 45 elk, 45 deer, 40 deer, 43 elk x2 in the amount of time ive drawn a doe antelope and cow elk tag? Luck of the draw, sure, but I feel shafted every year when i have an over 50% chance of drawing 1 of the tags i put in for but seemingly never do.

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I would be satisfied if had even z couple of those you have pulled....15-20 yrs of putting in, zero


Oct 22, 2017
Replying to myself hoping for an answer. I see that I need to mail in my general tag but does anyone know the address I’m supposed to send it to? Not listed in the email and I don’t see it in the controlled hunt info.
Elk.?...How did you buy a general tag before the draw?
Jun 28, 2023
Hi gentlemen. I'm new here. I'm going Wednesday, since that's what it was this week last year.

I always go crazy, but this year is bad. My son just turned 10 and we put in for several hunts together. That would be epic. Either way though my daughter is 12 and it's the first time all 4 of us (Wife) will have tags. We all hit it pretty hard so I'm just hoping one of us gets a good tag.
Luckily I'm leaving Thursday for a 5 day Cutthroat/Bull trout Fly-fishing trip. So my mind has been busy.

Good luck everybody!
I just returned from 10 days of fly fishing in southern Colorado's Rio Grande National Forest for Rio Grande Cutthroat's. Hopr you had a great trip.
Jun 28, 2023
Pictures or it didn't happen! Of the hunt that is.
I will post my harvest for sure. Looking at unit44 that opens 9/15 , #45 on 10/15 and late season in #54 on 11/15 & 36a. Really looking forward to both late season rut hunts in #54 n 36a. Never been on a hunt during the rut!
been chasing a stud in 36a for the last 2 yrs but that's been during reg season.