I have to disagree with this assessment and the content/message of the video. Peer reviewed science is the foundation for discovery and separates an opinion articles from hypothesis driven scientific discovery. Yes, scientific breakthroughs often come from the fringes of a field, but these are also peer-reviewed. Science, especially biological sciences, is constantly changing and adapting a new discoveries as publications are released. However, non-peer reviewed articles are opinion's offered by scientists should be taken with a grain of salt. Companies or special interest groups sometimes fund "research" and publish biased articles without peer-review. These are used by special interest groups to sway public opinion and are often times based on inaccurate scientific methods and heavily biased data that would not hold-up to the rigors of peer review. Peer-review is not perfect, and often times results in disagreements between the authors and reviewers that must be resolved or the article will be rejected from the journal. MANY manuscripts are rejected by top-tier journals. Some are later modified and published by lower tier journals. Thus, the quality and importance of the science is often reflected by the journal quality (impact factor score of the journal).Bravo. Worth the less than 2 minute watch.