Hunting or Fish Camp Co-op rules

The only ship that won’t sail is a partnership.

Six shareholders is a LOT. We had a big contract wrote up with another couple to buy a place. Had in there how it would be sold if needed, when someone could be forced out without dispute, how the buyout price would be calculated if someone was forced out or died, maintenance share, damages, rotating prime dates, shared dates, etc. In the end we all agreed that protecting all parties was getting massively complicated and it really put the risk in perspective for both our friendship and finances. We decided not to put our friendship in jeopardy and passed on the deal. It was a great place, but no regrets. I’ll just wait an extra 5 years to buy my own and invite whoever I want over whenever I want.

Edit to add after reading further down: you have one shareholder that owns half this thing. So each minor holder owns about 1/10th of this place. Does that mean they’re only allowed use 1/10th of the time? Is maintenance split by share percentage or evenly between shareholders? Just take the money and rent an air BNB where you want to go a few times a year.
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I think these things end up like timeshares bought by a three brothers.

One guy uses it all the time. Probably the guy paying for it the least.

One guy pays for everything for a while, but eventually grows or his wife grows to resent it.

One guy never uses it, and when he does he breaks everything or trashes it compared to the guys that use it all the time.

My cousin's x-husband and my uncle built a cabin in the Wind Rivers in the area we traditionally hunt elk in. My uncle was business partners with my cousin's x-husband when they were married. When she started spending 20 weekends a year on the road doing cutting horse shows, and getting nailed by every cowboy with a new 1 ton Ram 3500. He got out of the relationship.

My uncle took everyone up there and used it as a base camp. He paid nothing for it, and used it like he stole it.

Eventually they got divorced and it got sold.

I was on a Texas deer lease with some guys in San Angelo. We lived north of El Paso in New Mexico, and it's about a 5 hour drive. We had a quota of what each guy was able to shoot, and because of covid they let someone's brother shoot my quota. They didn't ask me, they just assumed i wasn't coming because I told them I'd be out later in the year.

A friend of mine is a big lawyer in Kentucky. He has a lease in eastern Kentucky where they have bigger deer. He pays $4500 a year, and rarely gets to shoot his deer. Local guys bowhunt it and wound and lose about half the deer on it.

I have this theory about things that are mine, unless I am sitting on it. I don't have much control over and lible to get screwed over.
I agree with everything said. As I look at it, its a small amount of money to have access to a cabin on a lake and a cheap vacation spot. The only way i'd feel like I was getting screwed is if I had to continually dump money into it and the others weren't holding up their share. I like the dice idea for setting disputes and conflicts.
No advice other that I can guarantee you that there will be at least one guy that decides in his head that the place belongs to him and eventually everyone else will be walking on egg shells around him. There will also be the guy that is a complete utter slob and will leave the place in disarray every time he is there and anyone following him will spend their weekend fixing the shit he broke, chopping wood because he burnt it all, and cleaning the place to get it to a point that they can at lest enjoy their last day there.
I just got my own lease here in Germany. It is big enough for 5 people, and I am the only one on it.

I have thought a lot about this post, and whether or not I will let anyone else on it. I don't think I can do it. I just can't deal with someone else's problems.
I agree with everything said. As I look at it, its a small amount of money to have access to a cabin on a lake and a cheap vacation spot. The only way i'd feel like I was getting screwed is if I had to continually dump money into it and the others weren't holding up their share. I like the dice idea for setting disputes and conflicts.
I don’t think it’s going to be a cheap vacation spot at all. Really think about why everyone is telling you to run away from this deal. (Hint: it’s not because they all want to see you suffer and they don’t understand how great the deal is)

Not to mention, for 3k, you can stay a lot of weekends at a lot of places and never be tied down and not lose any friendships.
A lot of the issues described above could’ve been avoided with a well drafted operating agreement, written up by an attorney.

This doesn’t have to be crazy expensive. I have used UpCounsel for things like this. Expect between $300 and $1k, with $500 being completely attainable.

I have similar operating agreements. They all cover things like:
  • Divorce
  • Death
  • Failure to pay upkeep costs (and how to handle upgrades—via a majority vote)
  • Usage, including for friends and family members
  • Dispute resolution
If you PM me, I can share the info of the UpCounsel attorney I have previously used and was happy with.
Don’t do it. Two people will do 75%of the work , one will do 25 and the other three effectively none. Goes for costs also. Most people would buy a light bulb and not think of reimbursement. Others will have a fist full of nickel and dime shit. Eg: a handful of nails or roll of toilet paper. Been there and done it.
maybe i missed somthing but will there be the same rules for all parties involved even though there wasn’t equal share put up front? That seems like a problem waiting to happen